I am not exactly sure at which point I began to lower my standards of what is appropriate appearance-wise for myself before I leave the house but I do know that somewhere along the way, this has indeed occurred. Back in the good old days, I would not have even considered leaving the house in the morning without a shower (which includes washing my hair), makeup applied maybe not perfectly but way more precise than it is now, and clothes somewhat unwrinkled and clean. Back then, I did know what the word “pampering” meant—I actually use to take time for manicures, pedicures, and a facial every now and then. I loved time in a spa and looked forward to treating myself to these luxuries if not on a regular basis, certainly more often than now. Fast forward four years to the present and I must admit there are moments when I catch a glance at myself in a passing mirror or window and I chuckle—the new me often has hair that has not been washed for three, maybe four days, my makeup consists of haphazardly-applied eyeliner and mascara (on a good day), and I usually can’t tell you the last time I showered. I also shudder to admit that there are times when I want to wear something that I have not had time to wash yet and I simply pluck it out of the dirty clothes pile, give it a sniff and if it is OK, I slide into without hesitation. Of course, writing this makes me think of the guys I used to know in college who did this as a regular part of their routine, but they were college guys—not me! However, somewhere along the line of this parenthood game (especially which each subsequent baby) my standards lessened and I could focus on what really mattered. Yes, I do miss those old days sometimes. I miss showering like the rest of the world does in the morning before they start their days. I miss having clothes that were regularly laundered, ironed, and stored away perfectly in my closet awaiting their next usage. I miss taking time to apply makeup in a non-hurried manner and I certainly miss the regularity of the mani’s and pedi’s I used to treat myself to back in the days of yore. This all being said, I must admit that if I were given a free time travel ticket, I would not go back to those days ever again. Those days did not include giggles so sweet that you had to stop what you were doing and simply bask in the joyous sound. Nobody cried when I left the house and nobody screamed with joy and jumped up and down when I returned home. Nobody ran to me with crocodile tears in their eyes when their feelings were hurt or they needed some love after a boo-boo. I did not have any little people saying cute things that made me run to my notebook to record their phrases so I could share them when they got older. Life now is so much richer, so much more fulfilled and so much more steeped in love. Pampering has taken on a new meaning now—I am pampered in giggles, kisses, hugs, and sometimes tears. I am pampered in knowing that I am making a difference to three little beings who will hopefully grow-up to be God-loving adults who strive to make their world just a little bit better. I am pampered in knowing that as I age, it is not the outside that really makes such a difference but instead what resides in your heart that will set the world on fire. Pampering is relative and I must admit that I prefer this new form of pampering. This being said, a mani/pedi every now and then never hurt anyone…
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When We Think It’s Impressive to Be Busy
* Friends, I’m in Book Launch Land. I’m feverishly working to prepare for the release of Heart Sisters: Be the Friend You Want to Have. I’ll be re-posting some oldies (but hopefully you’ll think they’re goodies!) now and then so I can focus more on the upcoming release. Thanks for understanding . . . Oh – and I so appreciate you taking the time share on social media. This is the way of the writer these days and will help get the word out about Heart Sisters! A few years ago, I was talking to a woman who was in ..
For When You Wash Your Phone in the Washing Machine
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Five Ways To Raise An Anxious Child
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Church Shopping: On Finding a New Church
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Why Christians Don’t Always Have to Agree
We sat contemplatively around the table, speaking softly about the struggles of marriage. I complimented her on her courage because for some reason, we feel shame when we admit our marriage is in trouble. I know because I’ve been there and felt it, too. I begin to share some of my own heart and experiences with my ten year old marriage, wisdom attained through the really hard places. Unfinished wisdom that still percolates and wisdom I know but don’t always allow my actions and choices to show it. I then share some heart changes I had to make in order ..