I think it is absolutely safe to say that the Snapp’s are a little Beverly Hillbillies this summer.  The best part is that I am not really sure that I care because well…that’s the best part of summer, isn’t it?  Being footloose and fancy-free and not being held hostage by our appearance?  At the very least, this is what I am telling myself.

I don’t really care that various, plastic sand toys litter our backyard.

I don’t really care that our grass is becoming over-saturated with water because we fill, dump, and re-fill our $30 plastic Wal-Mart pool up much too often.

I don’t really care that every now and then I find a morning orange juice sippy cup in said Wal-Mart pool.

I don’t really care that we (well, JJ) are at war with yellow jackets on our playset.

I don’t really care that Sawyer tries to poo in the backyard like Ellie the dog every now and then.  (OK.  This is a lie.  I do care about this one.)

The point is that we certainly are not going to be asked to be photographed by Harper’s Bazaar anytime soon but the truth of the matter is that I am allowing my inner-Beverly Hillbilly to shine this summer and it feels good.

The other night we were all in the front yard playing and watering flowers and it was almost 90 degrees.  We were a little hot to say the least.

I looked up in a panic to find not a trace of Solomon anywhere.  When I can’t find Solomon, I completely lose it because 1) he’s almost two, 2) he’s very fast and 3) he gets into pretty much everything.  Not knowing his whereabouts can spike my blood pressure higher than it should be.

After calling his name with a few urgent shouts, Susannah laughingly pointed to the backyard, where we found Solomon, the smartest of us all, immersed in the baby pool and drinking from one of my measuring cups they had swiped from a kitchen drawer.

We were all thirsty.  Solomon, at the ripe old age of almost two, was the only one to act on his thirst.

Beloved friends, I am thirsty.  Recently, I have found myself pouring out but I’m not serving from my overflow.  I will post on Friday then will be taking a week or two off of blogging to enjoy a family getaway and some time with the people who center me the most.  I need to write for some other publications and I need some time with God.  I will also be visiting so many of my dear blog friends I have neglected greatly as of late (I am so sorry!) and look forward to discovering new ones.

I’ve recently learned that we are called to fill our own cups and then serve from the overflow.  Please stick with me while I build up my cup and produce an overflow so I may again serve others more effectively than what I am doing now.

I am taking a lesson from my almost-two year old baby boy (yes, he is still a baby.  Yes he is.).

I am going to the waters but I will be back.  Please stick with me, beloved friends..

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