God has really been speaking to me a lot lately through song.
In fact, I’m finding that almost every song I hear is making me think of Him – even when I’m not tuned in to K-Love or The Message.
I’ve pulled away lately, friends. My belief never wavers but admittedly, I sometimes take Him for granted. I forget who’s in charge and attempt to navigate this world on my own.
Then I find myself missing Him and longing for time in His arms. I long for Him to hold me, to romance me, in a way that only He can.
Walking is a deeply spiritual time for me and last week, I realized that I had not walked in almost two weeks. No wonder I felt like He was so far away.
During this season of young children, I’m finding that I struggle immensely with being able to schedule a regular time to read scripture and pray. I want it. I long for it. But I can’t seem to figure out when to do it.
I’m so exhausted. I try not to be but alas, I am.
The other day I was reading a book in which the mother character told her son that she needed a break every now and then because “taking care of people all of the time is exhausting.”
Upon reading those words, I froze. Isn’t this so true? I adore my children and my sweet husband. After God, they are my lifeblood.
But this stage? Yep. Exhausting.
Last Thursday, it literally downpoured all afternoon. We had planned to go to the pool but found ourselves having a home movie theater instead. By the time everyone was in bed, my well was empty.
Seeing that it was dry outside, I hurriedly put in my earbuds and plugged in my iPod. I selected a Playlist and put it on “Shuffle” – I always figure God knows the songs I need to hear at that given moment.
He never fails to deliver.
I had forgotten that I downloaded “I’ll Stand By You” by the Pretenders a long while ago but as soon as it came on, I was so grateful that I did.
And then I found myself really listening to the lyrics.
It was as if God was speaking them directly to me. In the words of a Pretenders song.
Never underestimate what He will use. He’s even spoken to me over dog doo.
After listening to the song a few times and with tears streaming down my face (yes, I’m certain I’m the neighborhood crazy lady) I realized that God had blessed me with beautiful images during my walk as well – glistening flowers that had been watered throughout the day , brightly-colored Monarchs, and a few giggling children were passed on my route.
When I was almost home, the clouds parted and a few rays of sunshine bashfully peeked through the rain clouds that had plagued us all day. The sky lit up to a bright pink and the clouds released those timid rays for just a few minutes.
The above image is what I saw.
He never fails to make me swoon.
I am so thankful that I have a God that stands by me, that never leaves me or forsakes me. That is unconditional in His love for me. That waits patiently while He watches me try to do it alone. That stays the same and never changes. That doesn’t go anywhere, even when I do.
Thank you, dear God, for standing by me. Always.
For more Word Filled Wednesday, please visit Internet Cafe Devotions.
Should you want to stick around for a few minutes, feel free to listen to “I’ll Stand By You” by the Pretenders.
All I can say is…me too. Feeling so many of the same things. And, I LOVE this song. Always have, always will.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Summer Recipe Link Up Grilled Ribeye Steak with Onion Blue Cheese Sauce =-.
Oh what a beautiful word! I am so thankful that He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always there whether we can see Him or not. I pray He continues to remind you of His presence in the midst of the daily chaos of having three small children. May He lead, guide and direct you as you care for those most dear to you. And may He bless your sacrificial service beyond what you can imagine. Thank you for sharing today. Happy WFW!
Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture and scripture! And thank you for sharing your heart. Isn’t it wonderful that when our well is empty, God can speak to us in so many, many ways. I am thankful that He spoke to you that night just when you needed to hear His voice. I cling to this verse that God will never change!
Blessings to you today!
Beautiful WFW!
Thanks for sharing such a powerful testimony on God’s faithfulness to us. Loved reading of your blessing and also the picture and the verse. Wonderful!
one of my all time faves… and it instantly makes me think of a few movies that use those fab lyrics as well. LOVE taking a spiritual spin to them and its ooooh. so impressive.
thanks for sharing!! and I love the beauty that stuns the skies after such a storm. how can one not believe in GOD?
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..party day! =-.
This is such a great post! You are not alone in what you’re going through as a mother of young children! I remember being in that same place. It’s amazing how God can speak through the craziness ~ if you’re willing to hear His voice! He used my children to speak so many times, even when they were little! I remember my four-year-old telling me scripture that I didn’t even know that he knew! & another time my five-year-old said, “Maybe God’s trying to speak to you right now.” and as I quieted my mouth & my heart, I heard what He had been trying to tell me! This was such a great reminder!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Hiding Place =-.
i always catch myself saying “thank you, Lord!” for anything that catches my attention, or any prayer immediately answered. remember the heat wave we had last summer and i asked you to help me pray for rain? that same night, it rained. hard.
thank you, Lord!
lately, our water levels have gone on an all-time low. this reservoir is the source of drinking water for the entire metro and produces half of the country’s electricity. experts say that if it doesnt rain soon, water may only last for 40 days. i prayed for rain.
and it rained hard all day on the reservoir. thank you, Lord!
Yes, the empty well…I know it, well, WELL. :) having been there and in many ways still right in the middle of it all, I know what you mean. Without the daily “filling up” I flounder around…I just do. I’m with you…music often is my prayer. God puts a song on my path that I KNOW it was meant for me and often another makes it’s way heavenwardt….someone elses words become my prayer.
This was just so honest and real….and you spoke to my heart.
Oh and that post below about you and your man was equally as transparent and moving…WHEW…hormonal me is welling up with tears!
Beautiful stuff girl!
Press on toward the prize! peace,
Stopping by from SITS. Very beautiful and transparent post today! You’re right about a parent having a hard time finding that ‘alone’ time with God, but we must find it because if we don’t have it, we will definitely go empty and dry. We must hunger and thirst after him. Too often us moms and parents in general do get exhausted just taking care of people.
I’m a new follower!
This was lovely, as all your posts are. You have a way of writing that makes me say, “Gosh, she is right on!” I have a 4 yr old that keeps me busy before and after work, up until 9:30 at night. I find myself thinking throughout the day…I just need 1 hr. alone. How on Earth am I going to find that time today, tomorrow or next week? I need help and right when I think I have it together, I fall apart.
This sound is profound when it’s listened to as a message from God. Thank you.
Keep up the great work, Natalie.