I’ve often found God’s humor to be particularly amusing.
He seems to always know just how to get our attention and of course also must do so repeatedly so we might be able to connect the dots and put two and two together to decipher His often crystal-clear message. Maybe this is just me that He does this with but I certainly suspect I’m not alone.
In fact, I know I’m not alone because I am reading an incredible book that I randomly picked up at the MOPS Convention last week on this very topic.
We were blessed to hear an incredible speaker who could possibly be my twin soul – she is a writer, a lover of music, and an integrated thinker and as soon as I started to read her book, The Sacred Echo, I realized I could sit down with her for quite a while and say “Me, too” after almost everything she might say.
I’m not going to stalk her. Don’t worry. I thought about it but I don’t have time for it right now. I might in the future.
Margaret Feinberg was a riveting speaker and as she spoke of spending a year connecting the teachings from the Bible to a modern-day sheperdess, beekeeper, and vitner (which later became her new book, Scouting the Divine: My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey) I could tell I would love her books.
Following the conclusion of her talk, one could purchase one book for $13 or three for $30. My friend and I split the cost and chose three books but since the decision had to be made quickly due to the rather long line, we randomly selected a few that caught our attention.
I admit that I didn’t fully understand what The Sacred Echo was really about but I bought it anyway. Once I started reading it, I knew why it had landed in my hands.
The book is simply about discerning God’s voice. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Only just a concept I often struggle with… Something that has baffled me for years now – is it my own want or is it God?
One chapter in particular has been reverberating in my mind throughout the week, so much so that I wanted to share it with as many people as I can because I think it is so applicable to those of us with a natural human bend (i.e. everyone).
In the chapter “You Follow Me”, Margaret describes the insecurity that developed while at Bible college – apparently, everyone she spoke with knew completely what God had called them to do and simply put, she did not. She thought maybe she wasn’t praying hard enough. Or listening well enough. Or whatever enough.
She was directed to John 21 in which Simon Peter, who was out fishing in his boat, was shocked to find the resurrected Jesus standing on the shore. Swimming to meet him, the conversation that followed can be summarized simply by Jesus responding to Peter’s question “What about them?” with “If I want him to remain until I come, what is it to you? You follow me!” (This is hugely paraphrased – I would encourage you to read the scripture for the full account.)
You follow me.
Isn’t that all we really have to do?
It doesn’t matter if it seems like someone is experiencing more success, more beauty, more power. We are simply just required to follow Him. They have their path and you have yours.
You follow me.
Ironically enough, while reading a great new devotional I picked up the other day entitled Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, today’s reading started with “Come to Me.” It went on to say “Do not compare yourself with others, who seem to skip along their life-paths with ease. Their journeys have been different from yours, and I have gifted them with abundant energy. I have gifted you with fragility; providing opportunities for your spirit to blossom in My Presence. Accept this gift as a sacred treasure: delicate, yet glowing with brilliant Light. Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow Me to bless you richly through it.” (p. 235) Whew.
You follow me.
Come to me.
For crying out loud, stop looking at what others are doing.. (You do know that I’m saying this to myself, right?)
Lastly, during my walk tonight, my iPod kept reshuffling and repeatedly played the same song OVER and OVER. The song? “All I Need is You” by Hillsong. In fact, as I write this post, Pandora is now randomly playing it as well. Coincidence? No. No such thing.
You follow me.
Come to me.
All you need is me.
You know, it really is just that simple.
I am learning this. Learning it slowly but learning it.
I tend to want to follow the crowd…and get lost in that crowd.
Sometimes He calls us to follow Him and do things that require…discomfort. Courage.
I love the Jesus Calling devotional. It has been a favorite for a few years and it encourages my heart so much.
.-= Christy´s last blog ..CR – Ask Me Anything – 3rd Edition =-.
God doesn’t do coincidence, does He?
We just to have our eyes and ears open to recognize when He’s talking, through songs/friends/books/our babies.
Great post!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..Wow =-.
“For crying out loud, stop looking at what others are doing!” Oh yeah, I needed to read this post. I have lived a lot of my life comparing myself to others, finding my worth there, missing the whole point of the life of a Christ FOLLOWER, but mercifully he keeps reminding me too. Great song for Him to keep putting in your path, by the way. And so true, all we need is Him.
Have a great weekend.
.-= kara´s last blog ..Caffeinated Randomness- A Whole Lot of A Little =-.
I know you were talking to yourself…but I needed to be reminded again. Why is it so hard to stop comparing? I just want to focus on Him!
Great, great post! I’m visiting from CR…
I love that book Jesus Calling, it has hit the nail on the head so many times for me!
I need to look into this other book too as this is just so fitting for my life.
Thanks for sharing!
.-= Alicia´s last blog ..Finally Friday =-.
Thrilled you enjoyed! We loved our time at the convention, too! Huge hug, Margaret
This is right where I’m at…everything. The “stop looking at others,” the “what is God calling me to do,” the “listening to his voice,” the “Come to Me” and “Follow Me.” I read the Jesus Calling entry yesterday, too. :) Thanks for sharing. Great post!
.-= Kim´s last blog ..Rounding Corners =-.
Funny — my post today is quite similar. Thanks for being confirmation for me!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..The Measure of Success =-.
Wow. I have been having a very emotional day. It is a quarter of five and I am reading this post and I feel as though I have just inhaled for the first time in a long time.
I will have to re-read often.
.-= Maggie S.´s last blog ..Have You Ever =-.
I love this Natalie. I love how God sent you these messages just when you needed them. It could be that simple… isn’t that wonderful! :) The books you are reading sound really good. Might have to check them out!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..randomness =-.
Hi Natalie! Nice to meet you! First of all, thanks for you sweet compliments on my blog. I designed the header myself, so if you ever want a blog makeover — I’ll certainly work one up for you. Not that you need one! I LOVE your blog. If I didn’t have to be somewhere this morning I’d sit here all morning. So, I’m subscribing right now and will be back! Love the name, too. Just read your about me page and wow! You’re a brave woman. Inspiring. I’ll be back. Oh, and the font I used in my header and on my post titles is called ‘journaling hand’, which I thought was highly appropriate. :) XO, cat
Moving and empowering post – I too believe there are no coincidences…I wrote a whole series on them in my blog called “There are no words”. Just like it was no coincidence that I read this post today!
.-= Gig Girl´s last blog ..The View From Here – Lessons in Perspective II =-.