I realize this is not the most loving of graphics and I try to keep things positive and free-of-rants here at Mommy on Fire.

However, pass this one up?  I think we all need a good chuckle now and then, don’t you?


Holy Cow.

What a drama-filled weekend.

Let’s just say that I am so very much not a drama-lover.  I’ve had enough of it in my life for about four straight seasons of “Days of Our Lives” and when I sense it coming upon me I run like the wind.

I like things easy.  I like things simple.  I don’t like games.  I believe in “shooting straight from the hip” and going straight to the person if you should have a conflict.

I’m not perfect.  Of course not and I’m not remotely suggesting that I am.  I have several flaws but I’ll talk about those in another post.  We would be here for quite a while should I dive into them now and since this post is about gratitude, I won’t allow my foibles to hijack that sacred topic.

I realize there are some people who thrive on drama, who tend to like it when things get stirred up a bit, and panic when all is well and good.  I am not among this population.

I also realize that life being life, drama is bound to occur.  I do not at all think it’s healthy to become ostrich-like and stick our heads in the sand but…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  And this chica?  Has had enough.

We had a bit of drama that we have been pulled into this past weekend and by today, I’m tired.  Drama does this to me – it wears on my soul and stretches me like Gumby.  And not a good kind of stretch, either.

The more I study and learn about the Bible, the more I realize there really are instructions for every kind of situations we little wanderers here on earth might find ourselves thrust against.  Whereas in the old days I might just bash the person who had offended me to a friend  and moved along on my merry way, now I realize I am called to actually go straight to that person and not really discuss it with anyone else other than perhaps my husband .

For a girl that detests conflict?  Torture.  Now we’re talking about stretching in a good way.

Matthew 18:5-20 says, “”If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”

Oh, alright.  Alright I say.

I’m going straight to the person and I am going to be humble and polite but oh how I am not looking forward to it. I might be called to do it this way and I realize this is the mature way to handle conflict but it doesn’t mean that I’m over here singing “Kumbaya.”

But you know what I do love?  I love that God has our back and places it within His word.  It’s really the only “Self-Help” book we need.

My list of 1, 000 things continues...

81.  I’m so grateful that God has my back, that He tells me just what to do in almost any given situation and that He knows our nature even better than we do.

82.  I believe that if we pray for God to go before us, beside us, and behind us in any given situation, from a hard discussion to an unsteady situation, He will deliver.  I’ve learned to pray for the heart of the person I must have that hard conversation with so that God may prepare them ahead of time and to pray for my own heart so God would put the right words in my mouth so it’s said in love.  Ah, that said in love thing.  Much harder to do than it sounds….

83.  Thank you, God, for Rice Krispie treats.

84.  Solomon saying “I wuv you, Meemo” to my grandmother on the phone – it was a frozen moment in time that melted all of our hearts.

85.  My two older children are adjusting seamlessly to new classrooms and schedules – Solomon starts his toddler class today so I’ll have to report on him later.

86.  Caroline Harmon, who is the daughter of a dear friend and now is an angel with God.  Her birthday was Sunday.  She has taught her family so much about God, life, grace, and love.  Though I never had the privilege of meeting this precious child, I’m so thankful that she has molded her mother into a dear believer and friend.

87.  Lunch with just Sawyer at his favorite restaurant – Subway.  “Mama, I like when it’s just me and you, ” he shared.  I do, too, buddy.  I do, too.

88.  Chris Tomlin’s music – I love love love it.

89.  JJ’s good health report – the cholesterol is going down (he is a very fit and trim man (Super Stud…) but has bad genetics in this area…) as well as the blood pressure!  WOOHOO!

90. We are leaving for Disney World, ALL OF US, on Saturday. *

*  Mom – I know you don’t want me to announce via my blog that we are going to be gone and our house will stand empty.  But here is my thinking on this one:  If someone can a) figure out precisely where we live from my blog, b) crack through our intensely-tight security system, and c) get past the “Wonderdog” (no, we are not leaving her unattended, either) then they deserve to have whatever they want in our house.  It will be OK.

May you pass on drama today and keep your eyes on Him.  He will guide you well and stretch you in a good way.

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