“Back to School Week” at Casa de Snapp is now behind us and we are all somewhat adjusting to what is now our new normal.  I know by October everyone won’t remember the lazy days of our Wal-Mart pool and green turtle sandbox but right now, it’s still a little bit of a temptation.

And praise sweet Jesus that I had enough wits about me to schedule everyone so we don’t have to be anywhere before 11:30 on most days.

Whew.  This night-owl, coffee-loving mama has put-off the early morning shenanigans for the last year.  And absolutely it was on purpose.

However, my youngest baby, who is really a toddler but still a baby because he always will be, went off to the toddler class at the Montessori preschool our older two have attended for the past three years.

He’s been waiting for this day since last year when I tugged him out the door of his older brother’s classroom and made him leave all the fun.

He’s been waiting for this day since we celebrated his sister’s birthday in her classroom last winter.

He’s been waiting for this day since he met his teachers at our home a few weeks ago.

It’s finally his turn.  He gets to go and most importantly, he gets to STAY.

When I chose this photo for Word Filled Wednesday, I didn’t notice the quote on his backpack until I was finished editing the image.  Ironically, “No One Gets Left Behind” is his new victory cheer as he is finally not the one waving good-bye to everyone and now gets to enjoy his siblings waving good-bye to HIM.

It’s a new season.  A good season.  One that makes me miss his slobbery kisses and adamant “NO’s!” two mornings a week.

But his time is now.  He gets to play with the marbles.  He gets to look at the new books.  He gets to do “water play”.

And I get to wonder how on earth my baby is now already two.

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