OK, so here I am.  Doing something I didn’t think I would ever be interested in doing.  Hmph.  Story of my life.

He always, always, ALWAYS looks at my plans and tweaks them a bit so I will stick my toe in the water of an unfamiliar pond.

He listens to my desires – I know He does.  I just think He must get a good chuckle out of me now and then.

When I started this blog almost a year ago, I had the intention of 1) having it be just a place for writing, 2) no advertisements, 3) no giveaways and 4) no video of myself.

I’m now re-thinking it all.

After attending Relevant 2010, I walked away with so much and the idea of “vlogging” was one thing I haven’t been able to chase out of my head.  So I’m starting there.

For those of you unfamiliar with vlogging, it is simply video blogging.  Instead of me writing the post, I’ll be “chatting” the post.  Dear God.

I’ve never used iMovie until today. I have no idea how to edit.  I am not wearing any “stage makeup.”  I am not saying anything that is earth-shattering.

The lighting is poor and therefore, my eyes look raccoon-ish.  (Cue “Debbie Downer” music.)

Should you like it, I think it could become a regular Friday thing in which I just talk about some random point of mothering or womanhood that is on my heart at the moment.  It will be light and easy.

Heck, I might even be sipping from my mug.

I’m linking up with dear, sweet Michelle from Lost in the Prairies and Rachel Ann from Home Sanctuary’s Company Girl….Go check out the friends on both sites – you’ll love ’em!

In the meantime, take a gander and remember…grace.  Grace.  Grace for the amateur.

BUT….Will you please let me know if you would 1) like to see me vlog each week (you won’t hurt my feelings if you hate it.  I promise.) and 2) how you feel about giveaways and ads that would align with my beliefs.  I’m assessing where I want this little blog to go for next year and looking ahead to any changes that need to be made.  Thank YOU for helping me.

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