Chris Sligh sings a song entitled “Empty Me” in which he pleads with God to empty him of himself and fill him with more of Him.  Follow all those “hims”?

The more immersed I am in reading the Bible each day, the more I am convinced that this is the only way to fill yourself up with God.  Praying takes us closer to Him, yes.

But reading His words?  No substitute.

It is there where we find the truth.  The ultimate self-help book.  The way we should go.

It is there where we can begin to understand how this God of ours works and doesn’t work; what He values and what He doesn’t.  What He loves and what He hates.

And yes, God can hate.  He hates the things that pull us away from Him.

Rightly so.

I’m trying to focus on breathing in the good, the positive, the truth and exhaling the cancer, the poison, the lies. I’m watching what I put in knowing full well that what resides within will eventually pour out.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

The good I want to come directly from Him and the bad and the ugly?  I pray that I will glorify Him regardless – He will be praised in the storm.

Empty me and  fill me with You.

For more Word Filled Wednesday, please visit Internet Cafe Devotions!

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