I’m rerouting you to my post at Bissfully Domestic today but I’ve included a “teaser” to encourage you to head over there and read the rest…Please? With guacamole and chips on top? If you feel so compelled, leave me your thoughts over there – it’s just easier than coming back here and I’m all about ease…:)
With Christmas now past and the new year approaching quickly, it’s the time when we’re thinking about making positive changes in our lives for the upcoming fresh new set of 365 days. One can easily determine what most of us focus upon after indulging in too many buckeyes and yogurt pretzels by simply leafing through the circular advertisements in the Sunday newspaper – weight loss and healthy living products populate every open space.
What Do We “Put In”?
Because of this “Happy New Year” encouragement by our society to analyze what we “put in”, I have recently asked myself: What am I “putting in” to me? Healthy food (and sometimes not) aside, what am I filling my soul with that will thrust me closer to God? What am I watching, reading, and hearing that will enhance my relationship with our Everlasting Father?
Proverbs 17:22 states that “A merry heart does good like a medicine; but a broken spirit dries the bones.” What breaks our spirit and dries our bones? What’s the secret to a “merry heart”? Don’t we all need a little “good medicine” now and then?
I just commented over there..and I have to say I did not intend to upload a poster size picture of myself when I commented. Yikes :)
Loved the article, girl.