Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. – Matthew 28:19

Susannah has had so many questions as of late regarding the differences between continents, countries, states, and cities.  When we travel to visit a family member, her first question will invariably always be “Did we leave the country, mama?” to which we then launch into yet another long conversation about their differences.

Have you ever attempted to do this without a visual?  It’s like trying to explain to someone how to tie shoes – darn near impossible without a map or a globe.

The teacher in me knew there was a better way – a way to “kill two birds with one stone” by teaching us all a little bit more about the world beyond our Midwestern town and allowing us to pray for those in need everywhere.

And while I have yet to go on a mission trip, you better believe I know that I have a missionary heart and would love to instill that in our children.  Call it brainwashing if you must but I like to think of it as “leading them in the way they should go.”  It’s imperative to me that my children see beyond their own borders.

Enter Amazon, where I purchased a new atlas, a coordinating corkboard, and a blow-up globe (I was too cheap to invest in a nice one).

This here little gem now hangs at child’s eye level off of our kitchen so it’s easily accessible.

World Map Political Wall Poster, 24 x 36

Map tacked to “Board Dudes” 24 x 36 cork board

The Replogle Globes Illumiworld Blow-Up Globe now dangles from our kitchen table light fixture

Unbeknownst to me when I placed the order, there is a light in the bottom of the globe but truth be told, it doesn’t work so well – still love it though! (Notice the map from above in the background?)

So now what?  You’ve got the map, the corkboard, the globe…What do we do?

You buy map pins and pin away!  The ones you see here are in Botswana and Uganda, where our Operation Christmas Child boxes were delivered.  Also shown is a pin in Tanzania, where our Compassion International child resides.

Or you can also use your map for a landing pad for Nerf darts but you can learn countries this way, too. If you have boys, may I suggest this method?

Our church recently has begun a prayer campaign to pray for the over-200 religiously-oppressed nations in our world, so we began using white pins for these countries.  Last week, we prayed for Albania and this week’s focus is on Algeria.

I will be listing these prayer focuses each week in my sidebar should you feel compelled to join our family in this endeavor.

Before I close, a few things leapt into my heart that I need to share…I first must say that when I write posts like these, I often worry it will come off as “Look at what I’M doing, everyone!”.  Please know this is not the intention as I have no desire to ever play the “righteous game”.  I’m far too imperfect for that and I know that if I come upon a conversation loaded with this tone, I quietly move to another.

Secondly, I am also fully-aware of the horrid challenges we face in our country RIGHT HERE.  Intensely-tragic poverty does not only reside in Africa and Haiti.  For that reason, I’ll also be focusing on a “local” prayer concern (local to the U.S.) as well.

My “local” prayer concern this week is for the families of the shooting victims in Tucson, Arizona as well as Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who is fighting for her life as we read.

May God “Build Us Back” and teach us the compassion we need to stop the cycle of senseless violence.

And in the midst of it all, He still says…

I will never leave you nor forsake you. – Hebrews 13:5

I’m joining in with “Works for Me Wednesday” at “We Are THAT Family” and “Walking With Him Wednesday” at “A Holy Experience”.

Good stuff, girls. (And the few boys who read would like it, too.)

works for me wednesday at we are that family

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