One of my first bloggy friends was sweet Heather from “This Is The Day” because well…we are kindred souls.  We have much in common – crazy things like our almost-exact ages, the color of our couches, the name of our dogs (both Ellie).

We were meant to be pals, I tell ‘ya.

I love her spirit and her commitment to being a mother – one can practically feel the love jump off the screen as soon as her site pops on to your computer.

Thank you, dear Heather, for writing for MOF today!

It’s practically a dirty word in our goal-driven society.

Sure, we love it when our children are content, quietly playing with themselves or each other, making us beam with pride at their good behavior.

It doesn’t take long, however, for that contentedness to be taken for laziness.

Soon, teachers and other adults will be asking them what they want to be when they grow up.  Where they will go to college, when they plan on getting married and having babies and where they will live.  And even then, it doesn’t end.

Every year at work, I receive an evaluation and have to list three goals for the next year.

I’m not saying it’s not good to have goals.  I’m just saying that being content with where your life is, and really enjoying that life, should be considered a goal in itself.

In Philippians 4:12, Paul states “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”.

The secret to being content begins with being grateful for the things you already have, and concentrating on what you can DO with those things, instead of what more you can acquire.

The hymn, “Count Your Blessings”, instructs us to name our blessings one by one and really LOOK at what God has already done for us.  When you’re having a bad day, feeling sorry for yourself or just feeling discontent, try this exercise:  for five minutes, list on a piece of paper every single thing you are grateful for. Hot running water, a warm house, a job, enough money to pay the bills.  Whatever comes to mind.  Save that list, and when you think of something else, add it to the list.  Think of the many people in this world who have much less than you.  And then, when the time is right for you, take the next step.  Take your blessings and DO something about them.  Share your feeling of gratitude and contentedness with the people around you.

It’s not wrong to set goals and want more for your life or for your children.  But neither is it wrong to be content with your life AS IT IS, and have a feeling of gratitude for whatever God has given you.

No matter what society or your boss tells you.

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