Now and then it’s just good to find something that doesn’t cost a dime.

Particularly when that something-that-doesn’t-cost-a-dime is 1) mailed right to your home and 2) a “Focus on the Family” publication.

Let’s back this truck up a bit first though…

A few months ago, “The Happy Home Fairy” visited my blog and left a comment.  I returned the visit and was quite impressed for here was a girl that could help this non-crafting type of mama find easy projects and valuable information (I must admit that I learned the story of St. Patrick from her last week…) to add some spark and fun to the life of a very crafty little girl who oozes creativity out of every pore.

We made a “Love Jar” during Valentines Day. I used one her games for Sarah’s birthday partyI found a cute little poem about the shamrock for St. Patrick’s Day.

This girl publishes ideas that are absolutely do-able for a woman who begins to hyperventilate at the thought of Joann Fabrics.  And I found her soon after my daughter uttered the words that sent me into a panic… “Mommy, I want to do more crafts here at home.”

I’ve been waiting for this time as I knew it was inevitable.  I subscribed to Family Fun in the hopes it might help and it did but “The Happy Home Fairy” is WAY better.

Today she posted a feature on Thriving Family magazine, a FREE publication from “Focus on the Family”…I’ve read this magazine in the past and it is wonderful for those of us raising our children to follow Jesus.

Click here to order your FREE subscription…Have I mentioned it’s FREE?

While at, I found myself perusing other magazines and ordered Clubhouse Jr. for Sarah and Samuel, Men of Intergrity for JJ and Citizen for both JJ and me.

Do you recall that in my post from Friday I shared that I had been more cognizant of what I’m putting IN my soul and had begun to feel convicted that I needed to bid adieu to my long-term relationship with People magazine?

I always find it so refreshing when God taps us on the shoulder and asks us to lay some things down but then offers an even-better alternative soon after.  You know, that whole trust thing again…

On this Multitude Monday, I thank you God for…

356.  Replacements that are usually better…

357.  Little hands that are touching, scooping, digging, learning….

358.  A “stay-cation” for Spring Break in which things slowed down – no waking up early, no lunch-packing, no “hurry up we are late”…

359.  Painting Pottery and making family memories…

360.  A trip to the movie theater with just the two olders…

361.   A really cute husband…

362.  That can make some incredibly wacky faces…

363.  A warm day at the park with mama friends AND little-people friends…

364.  God’s craftsmanship and the way He has softened a hardened heart

365.  A lovely brunch with women who I adore

366.  Dinosaur-shaped cookies…

367.  Getting to see REAL dinosaur bones after all three of my children have become obsessed with “Dino Dan”

368.  Digging for fossils…(even with crooked goggles…)

369.  Dressing like a dinosaur…

370.  Resting like a dinosaur after a long day of learning and fun…

May you be blessed with a week of free resources, a little extra time to notice, and toughness like a T-Rex…

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