You dance over me while I’m unaware,

You sing all around but I never hear the sound,

Lord, I’m amazed by You…

Lord, I’m amazed by You..

Lord, I’m amazed by you and how You love me…

How deep…

How wide…

How great is your love for me.

Click here to listen to my favorite version of “Amazed”

This track can be found on “Beth Moore Presents Voices of the Faithful” and it moves me every time…

Thanks be to God for…

411.  The Son you freely gave to us so we may someday see your face

412.  Those blasted Robin Egg Malted Milk Balls and Cadbury Eggs though at the moment I’m not sure I’m thankful for them…

413.  Just-bloomed lilacs and their sweet smell

414.  Coloring eggs

415.  Playdates

416.  A warm day at the park

417.  An opportunity to apply my faith when faced with something scary

418.  A Bunny Cake made by a mama who doesn’t do cakes…

Seriously.  You know I’m not crafty or good with things like this.  This is a huge feat.

Thank you, Kraft Foods, for the idea and for making it EASY…

419.  Loud giggles, big splashes, and the “Pool Party” song in “mommy’s tub”

420.  The empty Resurrection Egg because He was no longer in the tomb.  And I’m ever-grateful He wasn’t.

May you slow down just enough this week to be amazed by Him.  He’ll knock your socks off – I promise.

Joining in with dear Ann from “A Holy Experience” for Multitude Monday


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