So I didn’t work ahead on my blog this week (or the past several if I may be honest) and it’s late and I’m tired. So here’s a brief little snippet of something that made me chuckle today…
Last week, I shared about Sarah’s reasoning as to why Samuel has such big, long, pointy fingernails.
Today, Samuel said something that struck me as just downright hilarious.
Wet-headed from a deep nap in an attempt to stave-off the inevitable spring cold that his older sister is currently suffering through, he focused his awakened-by-mama-because-she-was-worried-I-wouldn’t-sleep-at-night gaze on the perpetrator of his slumber and wailed.
Knowing we needed to run some errands in which he could stay in the car (they were car errands, meaning only drive-thru’s were invovled – please don’t report me), I carried him to the awaiting chariot and bribed his reluctant gaze with a chocolate milkshake from McDonald’s.
As we pulled into Goodwill to drop off FOUR bags from my newly-cleaned closet, he began to rally and apparently had a pressing question on his mind.
He asked, rather pointedly, “Mama? Do we have to go to China to get our milkshakes?”
Thankfully, we didn’t. McDonald’s was a hop-skip-and-a-jump from the Goodwill store.
But one never knows – if the milkshake machine breaks, as it did last week, we just might have to travel to China.
What is the funniest thing you have heard recently from a child? I LOVE the things they say so PLEASE SHARE!
That is dear! My boys crack me up on a regular basis. A recent one was on a Monday when I realized we’d forgotten to go buy the Sunday paper (for coupons.) We were at the breakfast table and I just blurted out, “Oh, man. We forgot to buy the paper yesterday.” My four year old replied, “Oh no! Daddy needs the newspaper so he can learn about football!” He was sincerely upset. My husband thought it was wonderful.
My five-year-old asks me the oddest, out of the blue questions. I always wonder what in the world she was thinking before she opened her mouth. Just silly things like do fish poop? And we should not look at them when they poop, should we? Or what happens if you eat a tornado? I told her we would probably be really hurt if we did but she said she thought it would be funny because the tornado would spin us like this and proceeded to spin around the room like a tornado, of course.
Yesterday’s favorite:
Ainsley [age3] discovers a torn page in one of her books and asks, “Who DID this?”
Her Mom’s response: “One guess.”
Ainsley looks over at her baby brother, Eli [age1], and sighs.
Then, looking back at her mom,”That kid is just killing me!”