So I revealed my new Pinterest obsession on Wednesday…

It’s Friday and so far, I’m loving being 38 because well, after joining the very elite “Painful Pruning Club” last year, I am beginning to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, my membership has expired.

My friend Melinda has used a hopeful word a few times around me as of late.  It makes me exhale.


And since it’s Friday, how about a little reprieve from the busyness of back-to-school, from the meals that need to be made, from the laundry that needs to be folded, from the kids that need to be picked up and the homework that needs to be completed?

How about we all stop to take a moment and just laugh?

Here are a few “pins” this week that completely cracked me up…Enjoy, and remember – if you want an invite to Pinterest, let me know and I’ll send you one!

Click here if you might want to follow me…

A few from my board “Stuff That Makes Me Laugh”…

Back in the good old days of summer, yes…

Not entirely sure why I find this so funny but I think it’s hysterical and my husband does, too.  Which is probably why we’re married.

I wish this weren’t true about myself, but it is.  I can’t help it. 

I’m thinking this is what my children might say about me…

It sorta feels like making fun of a nun when I poke fun at Dora but you have to admit – this is funny…

I know…Fantabulous.

Sorry, Mom.  Sorta true.

Hee, hee…

I’m looking for mine as well…

Smart “cookies”…HA!

And my very personal favorite?

Amen, sister.

Joining Michelle at Lost in the Prairies for “Caffeinated Randomness”

and Rachel Ann at Home Sanctuary for “Company Girls”…

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