While attending the small-group writing session on the Saturday of Relevant, we were asked to write on a few prompts and share with our small group.

One of the prompts was to write on a memory and my heart flopped.

I could have chosen a safe and fluffy memory involving my children and I wanted to do so – at least that was my plan.

But what God laid upon my heart were a few memories of being a little girl with a raging-alcoholic father in 1976.  Oh, what fun.

Be very, very careful when God calls you to select the word “obedience” for your yearly focus.  Phooey.

So I obeyed and I cried and I resist and I shake my fists in the air because for crying out loud, haven’t I already worked through this stuff?

I hear a still small voice that says, “There is more healing yet to come.”

You may have noticed that my “Life Story” series ended before I got into too much about my father because, if I may be honest with you, I don’t really want to write about it.

But I know that this is how God has made me – to write through the pain and the joy and the things I don’t understand.

Couldn’t He have made me a painter?  Umph.

A small glimpse into what I wrote on Saturday for one of our Five Minute Writing Prompts…

Only A Memory

A brand new house for a brand new start.  Maybe the slick counters and shiny cabinets will be just the answer for this young family on a broken path.

A toe-headed three year old little girl wanders through the vast hallways, marveling at the expansive space waiting to be filled with more toys.  More crayons.  Maybe even a baby brother or a sister.

Things will be better you know, so that could possibly become a reality.

But then strong-smelling drinks behind plants.  The loud shouting after bedtime while a scared little girl pretends to be asleep.

A tired mother at the end of her rope yet too scared to do anything but survive.

Nights forced to sleep at a hotel because Daddy needed to be alone since he was so “sick”.

And he was – but not the kind of sick that makes him vomit.  Or sneeze. The kind of sick that breaks hearts and tramples dreams…


So as this new layer is peeled, I’ll write through it and it may not be very Pollyanna.  But it’ll be real.

Thanks for sticking with me on this journey of healing.

Linking up with a sweet sister of mine – Michelle from Some Girl’s Website for “Thought-Provoking Thursday”…

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