If you’ve spent anytime around these parts you know that I would choose to raise my babies, wife my husband, and simply just write.  End of story.

Sitting down with a cup of coffee faced with a blank screen is a form of worship to me.  I’ve tried to stop the habit but it’s like telling a dog to stop barking – it goes against my nature.

However, over the past two years, God has called me to co-lead and lead a ministry of 65-70 women as the MOPS Coordinator of the church we attend.

Can I let you in on a little secret?  While I adore these women and I cherish the leadership team I’ve been working with, I would be not-so-truthful if I said it was what I WANTED to do. 

Because, you know, all I really want to do is write.

But frustratingly enough, I really felt God telling me that the time was not now.  “Not now, not now, not now” I would repeatedly hear as I prayed and in obedience, I served where I was called.

And I get now why He said “not now”.  There was much to learn within the past two years and much pruning to do of branches that weren’t bearing fruit.

By golly, He was right, that God of ours.  There was other work to be done – soul work that required me to put my faith into action.  Soul work that could be best revealed in the capacity in which I was serving – not writing.  At least, not now.

Lessons in humility. Pride.  The intricacies of female friendships.  Learning to set relational boundaries and not feeling guilty about it.  Accepting that not everyone is going to like me.

Truths that push me closer to complete freedom.

Last fall, Denise from Denise in Bloom asked me to be a contributing writer of a new site she was starting – Sisters in Bloom.

I was on-board immediately because encouraging women to be in sisterhood with one another is a newly found passion of mine – something that makes me tick.

I know this may sound a little “pie in the sky” but if women would bond together as sisters can you imagine what we could do?  What would stop? How the world would change?

Extramarital affairs wouldn’t be so common.  Jealously would be minimized because we truly want one another to succeed and glorify God.  Comparisons would be a non-issue because we would know that we’ve been uniquely gifted and because we are in relationship with one another perhaps the cattiness that sometimes rears it’s ugly head would be far less often, too.

We are here to hold each other up, sisters – not to tear one another down.  Imagine the impact we would have on the world if we committed to a sisterhood.  

I said “yes” to Denise.  It was really a no-brainer.

And so I see that while God says “not now” when we wanted it yesterday He does sometimes say “Coming soon” – and that’s just enough light for me.

Sisters in Bloom became live this past Wednesday but the official launch is February 1.  Want to know more and meet the other contributing writers?  Watch the short clip below then head on over the site.

May you be refreshed and encouraged, sisters.  I’m on your side.



 On another note, my middleman is getting his second round of tubes this morning – would you kindly remember sweet Samuel in your prayers?  He hasn’t been able to hear out of his left ear for six months.  It’s long overdue.

Blessings to you, sister.

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