It’s true that on most days, I’m tired.
It’s true that often my children think a laundry basket is their dresser.
It’s true that I feel like I’m constantly moving stuff around my house in a perpetual cycle that never ends.
It’s true that I didn’t envision motherhood to be like this.
And the twisted part of it all? I wouldn’t do anything else.
I love being able to be home with my three young children. I love to hear their giggles and answer their curious questions and I thank God they spend more time with me than anyone else.
Or should I not?
Because friends, there are days that I just don’t feel like I’m cut-out for this life.
I just want a break, you know? I want to be able to go the bathroom and not have three little people and a dog following me. I want to walk out of my house and spend a weekend with just a good book and a cozy bed. I just want a reprieve.
Enter a new eBook by my sweet friends Stacey Thacker from 29 Lincoln Avenue and Brooke McGlothlin from A Life In Need of Change.
Entitled Hope For The Weary Mom, after reading it, I felt, well…there’s hope.
I am not alone.
I don’t have to feel guilty that I’m not enjoying every single second of having young children.
My feelings of “I just can’t do this one more day” are normal.
And isn’t that what we all just want to know, really? That we’re normal?
Isn’t that what we are hoping to hear from our child’s teacher during parent-teacher conferences? Yes, they are doing well but are they normal?
We possess an innate desire to know that we are not alone.
Until someone has the courage to speak-up, to share the truth in a way that’s transparent and real, we are left feeling like there’s something wrong with us. We are flawed and surely we’re in the minority here, right? Surely everyone else has it all together and we’re the only ones that can’t find our way out of a paper bag.
Stacey and Brooke have had the courage to step out and be real, to share what so many are scared to admit, to be the ones to assure us that we’re not alone and that, gasp, we are indeed normal.
Which is how I felt when I read Brooke’s essay entitled “Beer and Cigarettes” in which she explains how one day, after nursing a baby and juggling an almost-two-year old, she called her husband and told him to come home with beer and cigarettes. I can so relate to this.
Girls, if you feel like you just can’t pick up the Bumblebee Transformer one more time or you’re feeling like you may never catch up on the mountain of laundry dispersed throughout the house, then you too are a weary mom – just like me.
Give your soul a treat and know that you, my friend, are completely normal.
Would you like to win a copy of Hope For The Weary Mom? If so, tell me in the comment section 1) What you love about motherhood? and 2) What makes you feel the weariest?
I’ll announce the winner tomorrow morning!
Click here to read more about Hope For The Weary Mom…
Oh yes, I am definitely a weary mom. There are days when I wonder how much longer I can do this, and then, like you, I realize I wouldn’t have it any other way.
What do I love most about being a mom? When my children wrap their little arms around my neck and whisper “I love you Mommy”.
What makes me feel my weariest? Having to do another load of laundry, it’s never-ending and not one of my favorite “chores”.
The thing I love most? You said it perfectly….that my three kids aged 6, 5 &3 spend more time with me than anyone else. The stuff that wears me down the most isn’t even the kids – its mostly the house work and comments from other people about not working outside the home. I ,too, am a weary mom, but like you, would Not have it any other way. I am truly blessed.
Oh, those feelings have been a long time ago for me but how well I remember them. And, you are right, we all need to know that we are not alone in our feelings and it is normal. Blessings to all mothers, your children will rise up and call you blessed one day!
1) I love being a Mom because I love to see all the learning and discovering that takes place, through the eyes of a child. They are so innocent and eager to learn about new things. I love answering questions and the feeling that they are learning, and I’m teaching them. I love giggles and the sound of little feet on the hardwood floors. I love little hands and the random ‘I love you, Mommy’s’.
2) The thing that makes me most weary is sibling rivalry. Constant fighting. It’s a heart matter….a selfish one, that keeps fighting ongoing, but changing that sinful heart is tough. It’s a full time job to change heart issues….and difficult as none of us are completely where we need to be with our own ‘issues’. Thank goodness I have God on my side.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Weary. That describes me the last week or so. What a perfect word. My kids are 7,5,3 and 10 months. I could relate to everything in this post. Especially the part of loving being a mom. Some days are just harder than others.
What I love about motherhood is watching them grow and interact with the world around them. Because I can clearly remember when my oldest was a baby, and realize how fast it goes, I cherish every accomplishment the baby has. Watching them grow is a mix of awe, pleasure and sadness.
What makes me feel weariest is when they bicker and fight. I so want them to be kind to each others and some days they just are not able to do that.
I would love a copy of the book.
I love being a mom because I love seeing the joys and accomplishments that go on around my house! It’s such a proud feeling when your kids walk, sleep through the night, or go on the potty. Like today, my Kindergarten son is trying his best to get in the 100 club at school! We’ve worked hard on this and I can hardly wait until I pick him up to see if he made it!
I think the part that makes me weary is simply trying to balance life and remembering to enjoy these moments of my children at the same time. As a mom of three small boys, I find it hard to be a good cook, car pool driver, listener, UNO player, etc. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. At night, I often feel this guilt and wonder if I did everything I could have done that day to be the best mom and to make them feel all the love I have for them. It’s very overwhelming to think about.
Life has its moments but being a mom is simply my biggest accomplishment. I will continue to have good days and bad days, but I wouldn’t give any of it up for anything. I always enjoy reading your posts, Natalie! :)
One day it will just be the dog following you to the bathroom. Trust me. ;)
What makes me weary is dealing with the constant sibling battles. Preteen hormones mixed with mama’s pregnancy hormones do NOT make this any easier, either. Not to mention I am an only child, so I’m constantly telling my kids they should just be thankful to have each other. Pretty sure they love hearing that!
But what I love is when I see evidence of God in their lives. In their loyalty to one another (despite the quarreling), in their consideration of others, in the softness of their hearts. To see how God is forming Him in their image day by day is absolutely the best gift this mommy has ever received. Along with all those hugs, of course!
I love being a mom because of those sweet moments curled up on the couch with my two kiddios, reading their favorite books. I also love those moments when one of the kids displays a character quality that I have been trying so hard to instill in them. I love it when they get out of the bath and run around the house in their hooded bath towels for 15 minutes before they get so cold they break down and clothe themselves. I love love love huggies and smoochies from my favorite girl and my favorite boy.
All these lovely things and more…and I still get weary. I mostly get weary of the nights interrupted by changing the sheets and pajamas of a certain little boy (I won’t mention any names, so as not to incriminate him)….and they whining. I can’t take the whining!!!!!!!
I enjoy being a “Mami” for its rewards and uniqueness. I love my kids hugs, kisses, backrubs,smiles. I adore their ability to make me smile even on my rainy days. I enjoy and feel sooo proud of all their accomplishments. I admire their love for God, discipline, spontaneity, curiosity, positivism and energy that may become contagious.
On the other hand, as a “Mami” I do get worried that I’m not always the best example. I don’t fulfill my job (or jobs, i should say)descriptions to the maximum and in some days not even to the minimum. I’m not strong, patient, thoughtful, kind or affectionate enough to my hubby and children. I weary the most that on the mayarity of days I get overwhelmed about the “urgent” and the “to do” list and forget what is real important in life and what God wants from me.
i love the snuggles, the kisses, the “i wuv oo”s, and the giggles. i love watching my kids get excited about new things, learn about their world, and say their prayers at night. but the constant motion, the constant cleanup, and the whining….oh help me, the whining!! those things are what make me weary to the bone. and it doesn’t help that my job involves much of the same since i am around 700 elementary school kids for 8 hours every day as well!!
Oops! I misunderstood question #2 … Weary not worry… Well, in this case I should say, I’m in the same boat with you Lisa. For me too, battling and balancing all my jobs as a mom and at the same time enjoying every minute in the life of my children is my biggest weary. Nothing wears me out more thancompleting my everyday chores that not many see but if kept undone everyone notice and also spending quality time with my munchkins.
I love that I’m there for each precious moment…some that my working friends are missing. I’m there with them! The thing that makes me weariest is the endless cycles…housework, conversations, discipline…