A bit presumptuous? Yes but I couldn’t find a button that just said “She Speaks”…HA!
It is now the third consecutive summer I have registered for “She Speaks” which is a very well-respected conference for speakers and writers put on by Proverbs 31 Ministries.
I have yet to attend.
Two years ago, fear got the best of me and I found several reasons as to why I shouldn’t go. It wasn’t difficult – I was looking for ’em.
Last year, I went to Ghana and when I returned, the thought of spending $800 to attend a Conference was unfathomable.
Truthfully, I think it still is.
And yet.
I want to go this year. I have a sweet roommate who is a dear friend. I have an idea for a book proposal that MUST GET WRITTEN SOON ( I do my finest work at the midnight hour. Literally and figuratively.) And? I have an appointment with a publisher.
Recently, some things came up that will cause us to financially not be able to pay for both “She Speaks” and this other fly on the radar. I must choose.
Or must I?
I’m placing it in His hands if He wants me there this year. He knows I’ve been trying but He also knows, as do I, that it’s HIS timing and not mine.
Would you please pray that God will make it clear if I am to be there this year? Would you also please pray that funds will become available? There is still $700 needed and while this is a huge amount to me, it’s never been an obstacle to Him. My dear aforementioned friend, Erin, who is to be my roommate, has this quote on her Facebook page:
“Don’t ever let anyone talk you out of what God put in you. If He speaks it, He will fulfill it. – Pastor Steve Furtick
So in a nutshell, I’m waiting for HIM to speak before I go to “She Speaks”.
Prayer is most important and the number one thing I humbly ask you to do to support this endeavor should you be willing.
If you feel led to sponsor me on any level, well, I humbly thank you for that, too.
Either way – I thank you for believing in me.
And if it’s not in His plan for me to be in Concord, North Carolina in July? I will try again next year.
Thank you, sweet friends, for sticking with me lately. The content here hasn’t been as rich or as frequent as I would like but I do feel a fresh new stir and it’s revitalizing me.
The exhale is reviving.
And I thank Him for breathing new life and opening a new chapter whose words He’s not ready to reveal quite yet.
Have a restful weekend filled with margin, sisters. You deserve it.
Natalie, I believe in you. I also believe that anything is possible with God. I wish I had the finances to sponsor you. What I will be is your cheerleader! I’ll be at She Speaks this year, too! I’m joining you in praying through this financial challenge, too!
Jill, thank you so much. I think you know that I believe in you, too. You’ve been on my heart quite a bit lately and I continue to pray for you.
I HOPE to see you there this summer and give you a big hug! I didn’t get the chance to see you (I did from afar) at HAH so I will relish the opportunity should it be so!
Thank you for joining me in prayer – that’s what I covet the most.
Blessings, sister!
ARGH!!!!! Another awesome conference to add to the wish list! I wish I could be a professional conference attender! That’s go some for a gal who DOESN’T do crowds! I went to Relevant (now Allume) last year. Prepared to be scared witless. By the last night … I stood up, grabbed the roving mic, and shared a testimony! Miracle in action, I’m telling you!
Anyway … partly because I went to Allume last year (long story) I am now unemployed so my conference budget is <0! And yet … I sense a nudging in my spirit to not close the door on what might be another miracle!
I'll pray for you to know His will and to go wherever He wants you! Would you do the same for me? Thanks so much!
Oh wow. I know that as you pray and seek you will know what to do. As you know I just made the decision to let Allume go this year so I can go to She Speaks. I would love to see you there but I know it has to be the right timing for you. I will pray that the answers are clear, and that God will provide if it is meant to be.
Love you much!
Natalie, you know my schedule but I still find time to read your writing. You have a gift and I find my self refreshed and rejuvinated each time I read a post. Stick with it! I will pray specifically for this. I am getting a lesson on His timing as we speak. It is always perfect. :) Love you girl.
Im praying!!! Please let me know what I can do to help. If its the book we have talked about YES it needs to be written soon!!! Love you!
Natalie, I just love you, girlfriend! Praying for you!
Praying for God’s wisdom, provision and that you will undoubtedly know what you need to do. He is working. You are listening, and waiting, and listening. Well done good and faithful servant! Love you.