Two years ago, I saw a really cute early thirtysomething blonde in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania airport attempting to get to the same blogging conference I was attending as well.
I struck up a conversation with her and we figured out where we were going. Her authenticity immediately warmed me and I knew we would be friends. If we lived closer, we would “do life” together. She’s that kind of girl.
Last year, she was my roommate for the same blogging conference. We swap stories about us both having a girl first followed by two zany boys.
After reading her eBook, Unbound Birth, I realized we also had the same reaction to the news of our third child’s conception: we both cried. And not tears of joy.
She had a four year old and a ten month old. I had a three year old and a six month old. As Jenny says, getting pregnant at that time was not on her “to do” list. I seconded that.
Our third babies weren’t in “our” plan, always in His.
And yet we both can’t imagine a life without those ornery third children who both happen to be boys of the same age.
Jenny is an experienced childbirth educator that teaches couples in the comforts of their own home and encourages them to consider natural childbirth (i.e. without drugs) in a hospital setting.
Those of you who know me are laughing right about now because you know I’m the official Epidural Queen. Yes, I am. I hear your cackles from here.
However, if I had read Jenny’s book while pregnant with my first child, I might have chosen otherwise. Really. It’s that good.
Jenny’s not only a gifted writer (and no, I’m not saying this because she’s my friend – she really is) but she’s also quite convincing on this subject. It ALMOST made me want to have another baby just so I could give it a whirl. (Almost. But not quite.)
For example, she shares information I had never even considered and I’ve birthed three children in a period of four years (which is probably why I never considered it because I was just trying to stay alive.) I loved reading about her passion for having a doula and natural ways to flip a baby that is breech.
According to Jenny, the American Pregnancy Association writes, “…studies have shown that having a doula as part of the birth team decreases the overall cesarean rate by 50%, the length of labor by 25%, the use of oxytocin by 40% and the request for an epidural by 60%.” Those are some impressive stats, no?
I read Unbound Birth from front to back within thirty minutes – it’s a very easy read and it certainly gives a pregnant mama (or someone who wants to be pregnant some day) something to consider.
On another fun note, Jenny blogs at a sweet spot called “The Southern Institute” as a very crafty and creative mama (no, she isn’t the friend I wrote about yesterday) and I know you’ll love her.
She’s also graciously offered to give a copy of Unbound Birth away so if you are pregnant, want to become pregnant, or know someone who is, leave a comment by tomorrow night for a chance to win!
If you aren’t the winner, you’re also in luck because Unbound Birth is only $2.99 for a limited time if you click here to order.
Leave a comment and share 1) something about your laboring experience if you’ve already had a child, 2) something about your “labor of love” if you have adopted or 3) what you are wanting to know about labor if you’re pregnant with your first or hoping to be. I’ll post the winner on Friday!
HOPE I WIN! But I will buy it anyway!
I have had all 3 of my boys drug free( Singing Marky-mark in my head) and could use some encouragement for #4. I feel pressured by so many to get the epidural.
You GO, girl – you can do it…If you have already done it three times, I say GO FOR IT!
You are one strong woman, you about-to-be-the-mother-of-four-boys, you…
I am pregnant with our first. We have three children from my husband’s first marriage, but this will be my first biological and our first together. It’s crazy, nerve-wracking, and sometimes I feel a bit more alone in it because he’s done it before and I worry that it’s less special. I have so many fears and questions, and it seems that I can’t get enough information! My goal is a natural childbirth, and I’m hoping so much to have the tools (and strength) to get through it all without drugs!! :-)
This book is a great and quick read – congratulations!!!
Pregnant with our first due in December. Hoping for a natural birth (fingers crossed). We are using a midwife, but I’ve wondered lately if adding a doula would be a good idea or if our midwife is similar enough..
This book sounds awesome! I would love to read this before #2 (but not for quite some time!) I loved the way the epidural took away the pain of contractions (especially from being induced) but absolutely hated the way it made me feel after delivery. I blame the epi on why I kept passing out and was required to stay in bed the entire day. Oh well. God-willing I get pregnant again, I’m not sure if I will get the epi again. We shall see. :) p.s. You do not need to enter me in the drawing – give it to another wonderful reader!
Where can i get a hard copy? I do not have a kendal.