Photo courtesy of – marcos_bh
Early on in my walk with God, I loved Bible studies that asked me to fill-in-the-blanks after reading certain commentaries and passages. They were instrumental in the construction of my faith, a building once with many rooms that are now converging into one open dwelling, free of walls and separate compartments now replaced with a sense of “oneness” that integrates all facets.
These studies are still important – don’t get me wrong.
But I’m all about “less is more” these days – I want to slow down, soak in the words, and listen to what God has for me and only me. Not my friends or my husband or my children – but for just me.
I run all day and I suspect you do as well. We have school pick-ups and doctor’s appointments and lunches to pack and ministry to do and relationships to maintain.
I was once addicted to busy because if I could just keep running and never be still, I didn’t really have to hear what He had to say and I could play the ignorance card. Accountability was non-existent if I claimed to not hear.
However, this eventually caught up with my soul. Weariness prevailed and out of weariness came non-Jesus-like behavior. Irritability. Sadness. Little grace given to others.
Last spring, I realized I had been running on a gerbil wheel at the expense of my family. I was “doing” so much ministry beyond the walls of my home that I could scarcely keep my head above water and often, I didn’t.
So I laid-down some of the responsibilities I once felt “called” to take-on and made a commitment to slow way down.
In this process of becoming, I began to really hear for the first time. I discovered that He speaks to us all day long – we just have to be present enough to discern His voice.
Three years ago, I attempted a study based on a book called Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton. I abandoned it after three weeks because at the time, the only sacred rhythms in my life were the every-two-hour feedings of an infant and the caring for two toddlers.
In Sacred Rhythms, Barton introduced me to a practice called “Lectio Davina” – a way of studying the scriptures that allowed me to stop and think about what I was reading and really listen to what God had for me within His words.
I desire intimacy with my Creator. I don’t want to check-off the box labelled “God” and “Bible reading” simply to just check the box.
I want to feel Him. Know Him. Hear Him.
I want Him to penetrate my heart so fiercely that I don’t have any choice but to decrease myself so that He may increase.
Two years ago, I wrote a bit about the practice of lectio davina, but let’s review a few things here today…
Lectio Davina means “sacred/holy reading.” It originated in the sixth century with St. Benedict and originally was simply a way for monks to meditate on God’s word. Though it’s origin is of Catholic descent, it’s a practice that applies to all denominations.
To begin, carve out 15-20 minutes of solitude. For me, it’s either first thing in the morning or after the kids go to bed – the important thing is to just find a time that you can still your soul. No, sitting in the carpool line doesn’t work. Trust me.
Here’s how it works:
1. Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to protect and lead you during your time with Him.
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you let go of your own agenda and listen to God speaking to your heart through His Word.
3. The text is read four times. Each time, a question is asked:
First Reading: (Lectio) – Read the passage. What word or phrase stands out to me?
Second Reading: (Meditatio) – Read again. What in the text touches my life or relates to it in some way?
Third Reading: (Oratio) – Read again. What is God inviting me to do or be? How is He asking me to respond?
Fourth Reading: (Contemplatio) Read again and rest in God’s loving presence.
Now, let’s try it out with Isaiah 61:1-3 (New Living Translation) – we are going to move through this passage very slowly but it might be a good idea to read the entire chapter here.
Follow the four steps above while reading the following verses:
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, because the LORD has appointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.
2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.
3 To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.
Before you journal what you want to remember (I suggest writing down what stands-out to you and what He might be asking you to “do” (third reading), it’s a good idea to just sit in His presence a bit and listen to what emerges in your mind.
If you want to dive deeper, I suggest reading several different translations of the same text. It’s amazing what can emerge simply by reading a passage a bit differently.
Tomorrow we will discuss more of Isaiah 61 – this will be our only week to have two sessions. After this week, our once-weekly sessions will only be posted on Mondays with discussion happening daily in our Facebook group. Should you feel led to join us, please send me a message at
What really stuck out to me, (and this is a fusion of 3 different translations) is where Isaiah says “He has sent me to bind up (comfort) the brokenhearted” and “bestow…a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” and “release from DARKNESS for the prisoners”. The Voice bible says “to wrap them in victory, joy and praise instead of DEPRESSION and SADNESS’. wow. Depression and sadness are my two middle names. :) I have stuggled with this for years, but the strange part is, my struggle has mostly occured AFTER I left the “bad parts” of my life behind. AFTER I left an abusive marriage. AFTER I left a boyfriend who was secretly into drugs, who I still care for deeply on many levels. AFTER I left a life of never knowing if there would be money to pay the rent/bills/or put food on the table. Since my life turned around and I married a wonderful man of my dreams, a true “soulmate” to be cliche, had my fabulous kids, (that I wanted my whole life, my true goal in life was always to be a wife and mom), THAT’S when the unexplainable depression and sadness really entered the picture. That is Satan. In these passages, God is inviting me to “be FREE from my imprisonment”. Be joyful rather than sad. Be strong, stand tall, be full of praise rather than depressed and full of despair. Amen Jesus. Let’s sit together in that for awhile and make it so!
I’m so thankful you have recognized the enemy’s voice here. I completely get the depression and sadness thing as it’s something I’ve struggled with as well BUT…He has come to bind up the broken-hearted and provide freedom for the captives! He doesn’t want you held captive to your past because He forgave you ages ago, girl!
Love your transparency here, sweet sister friend of mine. You are so beautiful – and you are gorgeous on the outside, too! :)
Lisa what beautiful revelation God has given you today. He loves you my sister-friend.
Lisa- Wow! When I read your comment I thought for a second that I had written it! I have had those same exact thoughts and feelings. I liked the way Laura phrased it in her thoughts: we find ourselves staring at the ash heap of our dreams and failures. Isn’t it amazing really that satan’s old trick is to draw our attention to our past failures when he can not find anything else to distract us and unfortunately we fall for it almost every time. If we could only remember to turn away from that ash heap and say “i am free! It has been taken care of once and for all!” Then chose to pick up that crown of glory and thank God for who we are now in Him.
Go, Patrice! That’s EXACTLY what we should do when we feel that pull from the enemy. I love how you said he does this when he can’t find any other way to get at us…so true.
Love your insights and encouragement here!
What stood out to me was to bring good news to the poor and comfort the brokenhearted. And the comfort the brokenhearted really touches to me in reality. At first I thought it was speaking to me because I volunteer with a ministry that works with low income families and I feel the consent need to make sure these families are being taken care, but after reading Lisa’s comment it occured to me that God is also speaking to me and I forget to think of myself and that I too am brokenhearted. I need healing, I need to learn to comfort myself. So I guess in both ways it’s speaking to me in inward and outward way.
God is inviting me to keep on the path, don’t doubt that I am doing but not to forget about myself as I am here to glorify His name.
Yep, it’s amazing sometimes what He reveals to us in this process, Jo-Anne. Oftentimes, it’s stuff I had NO IDEA I needed to examine – and He wants us to examine what He calls up within us because that’s how He makes us more like His son.
Also, “poor” can also mean to be poor in other ways – poor in spirit, poor in faith, poor in compassion, etc.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your heart here, Jo-Anne! I’m honored to be able to watch the good work He is doing in you!
Jo-Anne I LOVE that you saw yourself in this passage and not just those you have a deep rooted compassion for! This to me sounds like the progress we all need.
What stood out to me is that, first, God has chosen me, He has sent me – To BRING good news, PROCLAIM freedom, COMFORT the brokenhearted. I do not have to invent a message or a solution to the problem – God has already done that – All I have to do is BE there. Be obedient, live with eyes wide open asking God to show me what I need to see and respond with what He places on my heart to do. I tend to think there is some big extravagant thing I need to do to make a difference. But the difference is made day by day in small gestures: a kind word, an encouraging touch, a simple prayer, a smile, a simple act. I just need to live it – and not be afraid to tell anyone who asks why I do what I do.
Oh, I like how you said that “God has already done that- All i have to do is BE there!” So profound. Such freedom to simply be available in His name!
I too use to think that for me to make a difference it would have to be something BIG, but I am learning that even the smallest gestures are making a difference. Sometimes its the small things that people need.
God used “small” people quite a bit in the Bible – David was an unknown shepherd boy, Mary a young teenager, Esther an orphan…He’ll use ANYONE and it’s most often in the little things that we make the biggest impact. The world around us is our mission field and others are most easily-reached by those little things…
I too use to think that for me to make a difference it would have to be something BIG, but I am learning that even the smallest gestures are making a difference. Sometimes its the small things that people need.
Love it Patrice! Well said!
As a process girl, 1) what stood out to me was “the Lord” and “He”. It is His plan, His anointing. I am not responsible for making it work. I am just responsible for continuing to follow; 2) I cannot give what I do not embrace for myself (how can I give comfort, if I keep believing it is mine to give rather than His?); 3) There is an appointment. He has given it to me. It is up to me to keep the appointment. To do that, I must return to #2 and accept what He has so graciously offered; 4) This step is what has been missing so much in my study–the quiet of relishing His desire to connect with me, His desire to speak with me, His desire to just chill and be.
Your processing mind made me smile Jennifer! Sounds like we have something in common.
I love how Lectio is so personal – we all glean something that is specific to exactly what He knows we need to hear. This is profound, Jennifer! Love it.
Yes, the quiet. What a blessing, eh?
Thankful you are enjoying this process!
First time practicing Lectio Davino and all I can say is WOW! Love how God puts His own Word in front of you so that I know He hears my prayers. I feel that I have been in a funk & a grey cloud over me for the past 2 years. Reading these scriptures felt that The weatherman is shouting saying, looks like those grey skies will be leaving you soon & clear sunny days ahead. It’s amazing how much satan & his team have held me captive from God’s joy. Praising God for His Word (from The Message): God sent me to announce the year of his grace— a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies (Isaiah 61:MSG). Satan is quick o remind us of all our sins & past but we have anAwesome God and that is what we need to remember and remind Satan of his future!
WooHoo tell the weatherman to send some sunshine mine way! Your visual made me smile a big smile. God is so faithful!
WOOOHOOOOOO – this is why I love Lectio so very much! We get SO much out of scripture when we slow down and really meditate on it’s truth.
Kiss those grey skies good-bye, girl! The freedom train is on the loose!
I have read a few translations today and I really love how the MSG put the end of the scripture
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness”
planted by God to display his glory.
I love the visual of a bouquet and I love the words “Messages of Joy.” I think this spoke so deeply to me because I am a lover of the senses and I am a lover of words hence the reason I share my life in print. For me the greatest lesson here is that yes God anoints us, sends us etc. that it is for one reason and one reason alone and that is to display His glory! So often we are taught that we are in some way the center of the universe which is false. We are designed to bring God glory! To me this means FREEDOM!
This has long been a favorite passage of mine, but I love how God can take even a familiar passage and show me new insights. One phrase that particularly stood out to me this time was “instead of.” In the NASB, it’s repeated 3 times in verse 3. Instead of ashes, He brings beauty (restoration). Instead of mourning, He brings gladness and joy (rejoicing). Instead of a faint spirit and heavy heart, He clothes me in praise (renewing). I was struck too by the fact that this is all His doing. There is no call to action beyond me choosing to accept that this is His work and IT IS FINISHED! He simply proclaims. He speaks and it is so. I must simply receive it and then walk it out in the everyday. This is where we battle our thoughts and Satan’s lies. When I find myself staring at the ash heap of my dreams and plans, the mess I’ve made of this life, when I am feeling unloved, rejected, discarded and “less than”, I can turn to Jesus and know that in Him, I have beauty and worth–so much so that He would die to ransom me from slavery. He wants to bind up, where I was once bound. When I find my emotions carrying me to places of despair and mourning, wallowing in self pity and unmet expectations, I can control my thoughts and choose His joy. I can fix my gaze on the joy set before me, as He exemplified in facing the cross. When I feel faint, exhausted, weary, and without strength, I need to remind myself instead that I am empowered by the very Spirit-breath of the Living God. As I wait on Him alonge, I find my strength. I can choose to allow gratitude and praise to renew my attitude and display to the world around me–especially these two little sets of eyes in my home–that my God is worthy of praise, no matter the storm. Why? For any selfish purpose? NO! FOR HIS GLORY ALONE! “That the Lamb who was slain would receive the reward of His suffering.”
“Spirit-breath” thank you! So beautifully broken down. Your response felt like a bible study in itself. Thank you for sharing so clearly.
wow. bible study indeed! I need to print out that response and tack it to my wall! :)
Yep, I second what Jennifer and Lisa said – there’s much gold in this comment, Laura!
For His glory – yes. Absolutely.
This chapter was given to me years ago by a leader in the church to hang onto. Over the years that is what I have done. The portion that always has stuck out to me is a crown of beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning. This has been a huge reassurance through my healing process from growing up with an alcoholic father, a mother that became mentally and physically ill, being raped, raising my sister, and surviving an abusive marriage. It has given me light to hang onto in very dark times. I believe God has allowed me to walk through these trials to be able to reassure and comfort others that have been through the same or similar situations in life. He has strengthened me by propping me up with Godly ladies and support that have become my spiritual family. In turn I plan to follow God’s leading and be available to do the same for someone else.
I’m so sorry for this pain, Tammy, and yet look at the beauty He’s created in you – He doesn’t want our suffering to be in vain – He expects us to use it. I love that you are doing precisely this.
Thank you for sharing this today.
The word that stuck out was ‘me’. The Spirit of the Lord is upon ME, for the Lord has annointed ME to bring good news to the poor. For a number of years, I have avoided being more involved in church, avoided really letting people in because I was terrified they would somehow find out about my past, and because I have long felt so.unworthy. I apologise a lot, for stupid things and it hit me one day – it’s like I’m sorry for me. For all I am, all I say and do. I look at this verse and think ‘Me?’ He has actually annointed me? I’m shocked.
The part that resonates with me is in verse 3 ‘…he will give a crown of beauty for ashes’. Years ago I became ‘the other woman’ in a relationship. I can’t begin to tell you the ashes I heaped on myself when all was said and done. I even naturally gravitated to black clothing, quite literally mourning this part of myself that I had given up. I was like the woman caught in adultery who just sat there in shame, waiting for the stones. While God has done some healing, there is still a part of me that feels that way. BUT…
The Message version says ‘ give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes’. I imagine Jesus showing up at my door with a bouquet of roses, and me blackened by ashes and shame. I think the part that he is wanting me to do is accept them. Beauty for ashes, grace for sin – a trade. In accepting those roses, I accept that YES! He has actually annointed me, and no longer am I unworthy, but in him, a strong and graceful oak – all for Him and for his glory.
This is an absolutely stunning visual, Kate. YES. Love the idea of trading the flowers for the ashes because this is exactly what He does.
And you ARE anointed – no more apologies for who you are, girl. He loves you too much for you to lower your head in shame – God will lift up your head (and check out the song by the same name by Jars of Clay…)
So thankful you are here, Kate!
Kate – Thank you for sharing. That is so very true . . . we do not have to be sorry for being who we are. God sees us as the finished product. A beautiful pure daughter of the King! Hold onto your bouquet of roses with your head held high. All our sins are remembered no more. We just have to be ready to remind Satan and ourselves when he whispers in our ear negative things about our past.
Be blessed sister in Christ. God is good to have brought us all together. :)
God bless you son, I hope you keep making articles of this nature, congratulations
just copying over my comment from the FB group, so others can see… xx
Making comments as I read through…
Lol, I am such a fill-in-the-blank-er too! From my schooling days, using ACE Paces, I know there are so many good and so many tricky things about this – it can be easy JUST to fill in blanks, but not really learn, treasure and hold on to wisdom.
Ouch – just keeping on running and playing the ignorance card. That would be me with oh-so many things.
Isaiah 61 has been a focus of my ministry leadership team for some time. v2 really stuck out to me, as I realised the same calling I am under is commissioned by the LORD who operates in the same. As such, the sin and lies which ensnare me? These are things He hates. On my behalf, He is angry that I am trapped and is seeking my release more than I am for myself. I’m a little overwhelmed by how much He loves… that great!
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