I am often moved beyond words (which is often difficult to believe from this wordy-girl) by music. It has a tremendous amount of power over me.

It’s now how I commune with God and it’s taking on a whole new shape as we begin to look at forming a “house church” style of worship in various homes once each month.

JJ and I are particularly drawn to the music of Bethel Live – based out of Bethel Church in Redding, California.

Since I’m working on an eBook, I need to cut-down on the amount of writing I’m doing here for a few weeks, so I decided to post a song that is moving me at the moment each Wednesday.

This week is one of my favorites and I never tire of it – “I Love Your Presence” sung by Jenn Johnson of Bethel Live.

I challenge you to press the “play” button, sit down, and rest in this, friends.

Because as much as we love His presence, He loves ours even more.



May you be aware of His presence as your go about your day today…

I will sing a new song to you, O God! I will sing your praises with a ten-stringed harp. – Psalm 144:9 (NLT)


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