If you’ve been around here much in the last two weeks, you know we’ve been taking a look at Psalm 139.

In searching through YouTube for resources that coincide with this scripture, I found this from one of my favorite teachers, Louie Giglio out of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

When I saw Chris Tomlin and Christy Nockels last fall, Louie was there and gave his “How Great Is Our God” talk.  I have goosebumps just thinking of it. In fact, I posted it a year ago here if you want to go back and take a gander.

But just for today, will you consider taking six minutes to listen to how much of a miracle you really are?  It’s amazing any of us are here at all.

Well, actually, if you know God, it isn’t.  It’s kinda how He rolls.

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. Was there something he said that specifically caught your attention?

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