So sweet Jen from Finding Heaven Today issued a challenge that was so timely I couldn’t even believe it. Or really, I can but still . . . I just love how He works.

Jen encouraged others in the Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood (which I must admit I’ve pretty much neglected as of late because I haven’t been participating in any link-ups, knowing full-well that I don’t have the time to reciprocate and visit other blogs and leave comments. I so wish I did but it will have to be in another life season) to vlog.

Lately, I had been thinking that I needed to vlog again. Remember when I vlogged way back when?

I can’t say I’ve gotten any better as a speaker but perhaps that will change when I attend She Speaks this summer and work through the speaker’s track. Sorry for the amount of times I utter “umm…”

Umm . . . yeah.

Thanks for watching. I share with you in complete. Humility.

The things we do as bloggers . . .


Linking up with Jen…


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