So maybe you’ve picked up on my talking about writing a book now and then and wondered if you missed something somewhere.
You didn’t. I just didn’t officially announce it here because I was waiting for it all to be signed, sealed, and delivered.
And so now I can officially tell you . . .
I’m writing a book!
Abingdon Press will publish Heart Sisters: Creating Love and Support Among Women in 2014!
In addition, I’ve signed with Blythe Daniel from The Blythe Daniel Agency to be my literary agent. There are more projects in the works and I’m so thankful for her guidance.
The manuscript is due on June 1 and I’m almost half-way complete. Which means I’m trying to write a book with three young children, two of which only attend preschool four days a week for two hours a pop. I’m thankful for friends who have agreed to watch the boys while I work on gestating this baby.
What I’m trying to say is that it’s a continual point of concern as to when I’m going to be able to write during the week because life happens.
Like the hit and run accident my husband was involved in last week (he wasn’t the one who ran, for the record. And he’s fine.)
Or the snow day the day after the accident. It’s all making me feel a little bit like this:
Yes this is me. Forgot that I wanted to post a photo but didn’t take one today and while I love you all, I’m not going do myself up again. Not like you all haven’t gotten to know the “naked” me anyway…
But I have to remember that though I’m writing this book for Abingdon, I’m first writing it for Him. For His glory and His glory only.
After June 1 has passed, I will be actively marketing myself for speaking engagements so if you are interested in talking with me about speaking at your event, please let me know! I am currently booking into the 2013-2014 school year.
Stay-tuned for details on how to join the “Circle of Sisters”—a group of you all who will help me write this book. Who will aid me in research (as in answering a question for me here and there) and assist me in generating buzz around Heart Sisters.
Since this is my first book, my pockets aren’t deep but I will offer you SOMETHING as a thank-you for participating—I just don’t know what that something is right at the moment.
Most of all, I covet your prayers that 1) God will speak what He wants women to hear through me, 2) unexpected time will open-up for me to write and 3) the mommy guilt of leaving my three babes more than I usually do will subside.
I cannot thank you enough for your loyal readership over these past three years, sweet sisters. You bring me joy beyond words and you teach me so much.
So how can I pray for you? What are you rejoicing in today?
Congratulations! What good news, and how happy to see hard work paying off. I understand the mommy guilt, and I pray that you are able to discern where God is calling you to be, when. I pray that you’ll find inspiration and words during the quiet moments and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product this summer!
Courtney, so good to see you! Thank you very much for your prayer. It’s what I desire the most!!!
Congratulations again! I’m very excited for you and can’t wait for the book. :)
Thank you, sweet Ashley!
Hooray! I’m volunteering to help!
YAY! Information on the Circle of Sisters will be posted in the next week or two. Thanks, Anni!
I’m so excited for you Natalie! I can’t wait to read your book!! I’ll be praying for you and your family!
Thanks, Mandy!
beautiful friend!!! i GENUINELY couldn’t be happier for you! i know your words will bless many!!! and i realize we still need that call … oh how i wish you weren’t 3 time zones away!! i got your message in the middle of crazy and by time i was going to get back to you, i read about your husband so figured i’d give you some time. and now … looks like you may be out of time! :) that said, let me know if you’re up to trying to get some time to talk! love you and your heart!!
Always, girl. I’m never too busy to catch up with a friend. I was thinking we were in the same zone…I’ll text you and we can figure this out!
Thank you for your encouragement, precious friend!
Natalie!!!! Congratulations! I know how thrilled you must be! Praise the Lord for His perfect timing, Amen? I will pray for you and am always willing to help in any way that I can, no need for compensation, for goodness sake. I’m so excited for you!!
Thank you my dear friend! How are you?? We must see one another again soon. Are you going to Allume in the fall?
So very excited for you! I would be happy to help in any way I can. I’ll be praying for you, and I can’t wait to read it!
Thank you, Megan!
I am SO SO happy for you. And I know the message in your book will bless many. Please let me know how I can support you, and when it’s time, I’d love to help spread the word about your book!!! EEEK! So exciting! :)
Thank you, precious writing friend. Same here – can’t wait to read your book and of course, publicize it like crazy. When is it being released?
You are a blessing to me, sweet Denise!
Congratulations!!!! I’ll help spread the news about your book too!!!!! :) So glad to have met you @ She Speaks!
Thanks, Erin! Likewise. Thank you for your encouragement!
Yeah! This is def exciting news for you .. And us! It’s been an awesome path that you’ve been walking and sharing. God knew all his plans for you, and this is just one if them. Just learning, living, trusting are all the stepping stones you have gathered during this journey of your life. It’s amazing how our tears, our sorrows, our deepest secrets can form into a testimony that you gave walked and still God can use it to bring healing, joy and laughter to someone’s else lives, all in the meanwhile making You complete in Him! What I’m saying is – You have a purpose, and you are becoming a shining light for God, thank you for reflecting the truth to us so we are able to stand in the mirror and accept, see and share one day our truth! Very excited for this next step in your walk. Praying that Jesus just pours His extra peace, patience and just happiness as you pour your soul into writing this book! As I lift my cup of white chocolate mocha— here’s to YOU my friend!
Awww…thank you, Jen. It HAS been quite a journey but I don’t think He ever wants us to not use our trials as a testimony to others. Thank you so much for your encouragement, sweet friend!
Yay!!! I have been so excited since I heard about it at SSI! I cannot wait to actually see all of your words in a book! Please know that I will support, launch, pray, and celebrate you in any way you need! I know your words will bless so many as they already have!
Blessings, Friend!
Thank you so much, my new sweet friend Angie! :)
WOOT!!! sooooo excited for you!!! Praying for God to multiply your time, for Holy Spirit inspiration and for moments of rest. Know you are in spiritual warfare while writing…so I’m hopeful you have a prayer team in place. Can’t wait to see how God uses your offering!
I’m in the process of assembling one – thank you for the reminder, my fellow writing friend! There IS massive warfare going on but luckily, I see what’s happening and I call it for what it is. He’s not going to stop me!
Would love to catch-up with you and hear how your book is going!!!
Thank you for your encouragement, friend!
So excited for you! And not at all surprised – I knew this day would happen!!
Thank you, sweet friend. You are such a blessing to me.
I am looking forward to reading it when it is complete. What an exciting time for you. I know the Lord will open up the time you need and provide for you ever step of the way. :)
Thank you for the encouragement, Tammy!
I squealed when I read this! So happy for you!
Thank you, sweet friend!!! Do you plan to go to Allume this year?
Congrats Natalie :) I have known you a short time online, but you have already blessed me immensely. Looking forward to reading more.
Thank you, Michele! So happy our paths have crossed. :)
Crazy excited for you my friend!!! Congratulations!! Praying for you dear one! Cannot wait to read your book one day soon. <3
Thank you, sweet friend! SOOOOOO excited for you and all of the happiness going on in your life. You so very much deserve it and while I miss you in the blogging world, I’m so thankful you were able to discern it was time to lay it down for a bit. Good for you!!