So maybe you’ve picked up on my talking about writing a book now and then and wondered if you missed something somewhere.

You didn’t. I just didn’t officially announce it here because I was waiting for it all to be signed, sealed, and delivered.

And so now I can officially tell you . . .

I’m writing a book!

Abingdon Press will publish Heart Sisters: Creating Love and Support Among Women in 2014!

In addition, I’ve signed with Blythe Daniel from The Blythe Daniel Agency to be my literary agent. There are more projects in the works and I’m so thankful for her guidance.

The manuscript is due on June 1 and I’m almost half-way complete. Which means I’m trying to write a book with three young children, two of which only attend preschool four days a week for two hours a pop. I’m thankful for friends who have agreed to watch the boys while I work on gestating this baby.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s a continual point of concern as to when I’m going to be able to write during the week because life happens.

Like the hit and run accident my husband was involved in last week (he wasn’t the one who ran, for the record. And he’s fine.)

Or the snow day the day after the accident. It’s all making me feel a little bit like this:

Photo on 3-13-13 at 10.41 PMYes this is me. Forgot that I wanted to post a photo but didn’t take one today and while I love you all, I’m not going do myself up again. Not like you all haven’t gotten to know the “naked” me anyway…

But I have to remember that though I’m writing this book for Abingdon, I’m first writing it for Him.  For His glory and His glory only.

After June 1 has passed, I will be actively marketing myself for speaking engagements so if you are interested in talking with me about speaking at your event, please let me know!  I am currently booking into the 2013-2014 school year.

Stay-tuned for details on how to join the “Circle of Sisters”—a group of you all who will help me write this book. Who will aid me in research (as in answering a question for me here and there) and assist me in generating buzz around Heart Sisters.

Since this is my first book, my pockets aren’t deep but I will offer you SOMETHING as a thank-you for participating—I just don’t know what that something is right at the moment.

Most of all, I covet your prayers that 1) God will speak what He wants women to hear through me, 2) unexpected time will open-up for me to write and 3) the mommy guilt of leaving my three babes more than I usually do will subside.

I cannot thank you enough for your loyal readership over these past three years, sweet sisters. You bring me joy beyond words and you teach me so much.

So how can I pray for you? What are you rejoicing in today?

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