It’s the end of an era.
Not completely quite yet. But coming at the end of the week.
When I prayed about starting a blog almost five years ago, I asked God to reveal a name that would be catchy and appeal to other women like me – always on the go, never feeling truly “caught-up” with pureed peas on her shirt and exhausted bags under her eyes. Yet she still ran after Jesus. She was “on fire” for Him.
In a room of the Gaylord Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee during the MOPS Convention in 2008, it came to me while in prayer:
Mommy on Fire.
I would be on fire because, well, I always felt (and often still do) like I was on fire. More surviving than thriving because I had three children ages three and under and a husband who was a new partner in a dental office. In case you don’t know about the tooth world, this means he wasn’t home much. Perhaps you can relate to this equation:
1 mama + 3 children under three years old + 1 husband who wasn’t around much = 1 woman always on fire.
Yet He sustained me during that season. He worked in me and through me and every which way but loose, sisters. I’m guessing you’ve been there, too.
But lately, I’ve been feeling like it’s time to say good-bye to the mommy who was always on fire. The thing is . . . my kids don’t even call me mommy anymore (and yes, this makes me slightly sad.)
And so we say good-bye to this “brand” – which is the fancy way of saying what you’re known for in the online world.
My brand has been “Mommy on Fire” for almost five years now but since last spring, I felt that nudge you know you would be fool to ignore. Disobedience is always far more costly in the end.
And so later this week, we will say adieu to Mommy on Fire.
But we will welcome
It will look different around here and I’m putting together some giveaways for the relaunch.
However . . . The content and the voice will remain the same.
If you like Mommy on Fire on Facebook, perhaps you’ve already noticed we changed from Mommy on Fire to Natalie Chambers Snapp, Author and Speaker?
I would love for you to join us there as well because I plan to post some stuff over there that I won’t post here. There are also other things coming down the pike but this is all we can go into right now – mostly because it’s late and if I don’t go to bed soon, I will not be a nice person tomorrow.
We’ll continue our sex talk tomorrow (because I gave you my word, friends) but from then on, we’re going to be a little quiet over here while I concentrate on the migration to the new site and getting my ducks in a row. Which of course you know will likely take more than a week but if I wait until those quackers are all lined-up, I won’t ever be back.
And so I thank you for walking with me during these Mommy on Fire years. I ask that you pray for this new transition and I also ask that you would pray about sharing this site with others you know who might benefit from community and knowing they’re not rowing their boat alone.
We’re real here. We’re not always happy here but we spur one another on. And every day, we keep showing up for the game.
I’ll be here, whatever you choose to call yourself ;)
Thank you, friend. :)
Ahhh….my sweet, intelligent, vulnerable friend! I have loved this journey with you. Reading your posts have been such a blessing, beyond words really. Even though it may feel differently at first and with all endings, be a little sad…
I loved how you said “the content and the voice” will remain the same. That is the most important part.
I look forward to hearing all the great stuff God will give us through you!
You are beautiful!
Thank you, sweet Stacy O’Neill. You are a MASSIVE blessing in my life, friend. I have LOVED getting to know you through this blog. Your spirit is AMAZING – can’t wait to share a glass of wine with you someday!
I can dig it! ;)
HA! Thanks, Kela! :)
I did something similar this year and it’s really the best thing I ever did. It’s sad to leave a blogging era though! *hugs*
Thank you for your encouragement, Amy. It’s good to hear from fellow bloggers/writers!
Has it really been 5 years friend. I remember reading your first blog. I will NEVER forget the visual you crated with your “running through hell with gasoline panties” analogy. I have loved reading your words. They have truly been a gift from God. There has been much laughter and tears, as I have been an “insider” to your world through this blog. It has been a journey and I am so excited to see where it goes next. I’m in it for the long haul friend…no matter what you are called. Thank you for listening to God’s calling. You have helped many! Lots of love and prayers for the next phase.
YES, it has. Wow, friend. I don’t even know how to respond to this super encouraging comment. Thank you. You are a huge blessing and I’m so very thankful for you. YOU have helped many, too. :)
I’m actually a little mist eyed over this but I’m so exited for You!! I’ll be right there following along!! :)
God bless the change! Look forward to more of what God lays on your heart!
Thank you, Teelier. It’s been fun getting to know you this year!
Blessings on you as you walk in this new direction!
Thanks, Anni!
Your writing has always been so personal to me…like I’m talking to a friend. Maybe it’s the similarities in our journeys? Your words have been blessings and encouraging and thought-provoking. Praying for you as you take the next step- I’ll still be following!
Thank you, Megan. I’ve loved getting to know you.
And thank you for your words – this is always my goal. I would love to host a round table discussion with lots of coffee! :)
I'm actually a little misty eyed over this. I am so excited for you though! And I'll still be following along! :)
You will be missed!
nataliesnapp will be missed natalie. but i'm sure the new "brand" that represents the growth that has taken place in your life will be wonderful too. it will just take a little while to adjust to the change:)
Will miss this very much…looking forward to great things to come in your next season! Best wishes and praying for many blessings.
Thanks, Laura! However, the only thing changing is the name. The same content and voice as was found at MOF will now just be at :)
Thank you, Martha. You are right – God continues to mold us. So great to see you here!
Sweet Mandy . . . Thank you. For all of it. :)
Thanks, Dawn! The only thing that will change is the name and the look of the blog – the content and the voice will remain the same. Thank you for praying, sweet friend!