Well, well, well . . . My favorite subject: loving our heart sisters, and other women in general, well.

Female relationships are critical to our own happiness yet sometimes, they can be hard. In this week’s vlog, we’re talking about the need for girlfriends, the need to create a community of love and support between women, and how my book, Heart Sisters: Being the Friend You Want to Have, came into fruition.

Heart Sisters is tentatively scheduled to be released by Abingdon Press on October 7, 2014.

Should you be interested in studying this book as a group, I am currently scheduling speaking engagements for the fall and spring of 2015. I am passionate about encouraging women to be the change they would like to see among our gender so it’s my strong heart’s desire to get this positive message into as many female hands as possible. You can email me at ncsnapp at gmail dot com. (Must write it this way to keep spammers at bay!)

And for the record, there is little money to be made in the publishing world. Trust me, I spend WAY more on this ministry than what I make and I’m fine with that – it’s never been about the money. So when I encourage you to watch for Heart Sisters and study it as a group, it’s because I’m passionate about getting this message out so we can SEE the change – not so I can move to a tropical island and sit on the beach all day.

Here’s the Galatians verse I referenced:

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. – Galatians 5:13-15


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And don’t forget – I’m hosting along with sweet Angie, Cindy, and Denise . . . Inspire Me Mondays. Here are the super-easy directions:

1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or a compilation like I did. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you. Anything goes.

2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.

3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.

3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.

4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!

5. Visit a couple others, but especially the one right before you to give a little encouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!


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