It’s a new year and many are talking about what they’ll do differently during the next twelve months.
What they’ll improve. Who they hope to become. How they’ll change their lives for the positive.
And it’s great. I always applaud those who are ready to make positive changes. In fact, I need to make some of my own.
However, I also think there can be societal pressure to come-up with New Year’s resolutions that often fall dead by March.
Last week, I traveled to a town an hour north of my own to visit with precious friends who’ve known me inside and out for almost thirty years.
I parked my car, opened the door and pulled my coat from the front seat. As I was slipping it over my shoulders, the door began to close against me and in doing so, bumped my arm that was positioned just-so at the right time and place to lock the door.
As I tried to open the door to no avail, I could see my purse and phone sitting in the driver’s seat like a sixteen year old with a new driver’s license. If they had tongues, I’m certain they would have been sticking them out at my desperate face.
When such things like this occur, I use my phone to call AT&T road-side assistance. Flat tire? They’ll be there. Lock keys in the car? They’re on it.
But you have to call from your phone – a small problem when your phone is locked in the car you’re trying to unlock.
I called Jason from a land phone of a nearby business and he got to work on getting them to me but apparently, it was an ordeal and took much of his time.
Bless him.
So to show my appreciation, I got a speeding ticket on the way home.
I really just need to slow down. In all areas.
Which got me thinking . . . maybe, our resolutions don’t need to be so transformational and ground-breaking.
Maybe resolutions can be found in the subtle, small changes, too. After all, it’s the small stuff that adds up to the big anyway.
Instead of New Year’s resolutions, maybe we just need New Year’s solutions.
The solution to yelling is gentleness and self-control.
The solution to frustration is doing the mundane with great love.
The solution to feeling overwhelmed is to take one step at a time.
The solution for hate is kindness.
Graham Cooke calls it “moving in the opposite spirit.” I call it hope.
So if you, like me, are befuddled on what to focus upon for the new year, maybe we just focus on the solutions to negativity rather than the resolutions for transformation.
And in doing so, I’m guessing these small solutions would lead to the big resolutions that lead to transformation . . .
What about you? Is your year off to a good start?
Spot on, as usual. This idea is the perfect solution to some things that were bugging me, but I couldn’t quite formulate how to address them. Thank you!!!
Your insight is like a breath of fresh air. The stuffiness & heaviness resulting from the pressure of the search for new beginnings can be overwhelming and this guidance reminds us that our God is one of peace. Thanks, Natalie!