* Thank you to sweet Bethany Grove for writing today’s post!
There are 168 hours in one week. 168 hours to take advantage of – or abuse.
I know for me, those hours are jam-packed with activities for my kids, church, daily to-dos, writing, phone calls, business related duties and meetings.
Most people find time in those 168 hours to sleep but I think I have forgotten what sleep actually is. I vaguely remember those blessed quiet moments laying in a soft, cozy bed but these days, those moments are filled with a racing mind attempting to solve problems, contemplating new projects and going over the next day’s to-do list.
I am not sure if you noticed or not but there is one important task that is missing from my list above – time with God.
I am guilty of not putting God first and abusing the 168 hours He’s given me every. Single. Week.
So, not only am I physically tired, which leads to a grouchy temperament, but my soul is extremely malnourished.
Because an overwhelmed schedule equals an under-whelmed soul.
I know my own decisions are encouraging this “soul problem” and, fingers crossed, I will be better equipped to make good decisions on how I use my time by the end of our newest book study,The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa Terkeurst.
This week, we are reading through Chapters One, Two, and Three of The Best Yes and WOW have they hit home with me.
Decision-making is not my strong suit and there are times where I have said “yes” when “no” would have been more appropriate.
This week’s reading helped me discern why I say yes all the time…I am a people-pleaser and saying yes feels right since I know it will make the person asking feel happy. As Lysa says, “I dread saying yes but feel powerless to say no.”
These are my two biggest hurdles.
Lysa also says, “If we are to be Best Yes girls, we have to long for the unbroken companionship with God.”
So, to find my way to a best yes, I need to make sure my relationship with God is solid, secure, and present. My list at the beginning of this post was missing God.
“The decisions we make dictate the schedules we keep. The schedules we keep determine the lives we live. The lives we live determine how we spend our souls. So, this isn’t just about finding time. This is about honoring God with the time we have,” Lysa added.
I am not honoring God with my time and there is no one else to blame but myself and the decisions I’m making.
Those decisions have led to a soul that is aching, tired, and exhausted.
And that, my friends, is a HUGE issue – one that needs to be addressed immediately and rectified.
I look forward to making my soul sing with joy as we walk this path and discover our how to commit to our best yeses!
For our discussion today, please pick one or more of the questions below to answer in the comments section.
I am with you…I also tend to get so busy with life and kids and don’t make time with God a priority. I know I want to do better with my time with God and hope this study will help me to do that. I was definitely challenged by that chapter and the idea of being more aware of little things God is calling me to do and doing them instead of ignoring those promptings. I know I constantly fail there.
Imperfect progress is still progress, Becky! You are not alone (obviously) but of course, He yearns to have time with you, too. I’m thankful you are joining us for this study!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Becky! <3
My current schedule leaves me feeling exhausted and then a little resentful. I’m trying to do everything and be everything for everyone and somewhere along the way I’ve lost the ability to say no without feeling guilty, like I’m letting others down. I feel responsible to take care of my home, husband, adult children, grandchildren, etc. while working fulltime and my job is overwhelming too. I feel like I’m multitasking so much that I’m not accomplishing anything. I stay up way too late and get up really early just to get some alone (quiet) time.
I know that I need to make some changes in my life because this is where I am at the moment….”an overwhelmed schedule leads to an underwhelmed soul”.
~sigh~ I’m so tempted to speed read through this book but I desperately want to learn to slow down and listen for God’s voice so that’s what I’m going to do — or at least attempt to do! :)
I’m excited for you, Lanette. The fact that you are recognizing something needs to change is a step in the right direction. There are seasons in which we can live like this but if it’s a constant, we need to reassess – and it sounds like you are.
And I think it’s OK if you want to read ahead. You might need to go back and re-read but that’s OK, too. :)
So thankful you are here, Lanette!
Answering question 3. What three words would you use to summarize how you feel about your current schedule? For example: challenged, bored, energized, exhausted, resentful, engaged, productive, etc.
Currently my schedule is “unruled”. I kind of wander through my day; thinking that I have so much to do but I spin my wheels and each day looks the same. Nothing extra. Just…being and so NOT on purpose.
I get that, Kela! I know I have a lot to be doing now but I think God has me in a moment of calm before the storm. Sometimes I think He just calls us to rest a bit but then sometimes, I can be so unfocused. It’s a fine line for sure.
Glad you are here, sweet friend! <3
One word that keeps coming to mind to describe my curent schedule is “transitional.” I went from an overwhelmed scheduled in which I was busy every moment at home because I had to squeeze everything into a small amount of time, to needing to quit everything that didn’t have a positive impact on our kids’ home life. My son was diagnosed with a learning disability and when I was gone in the evenings, he simply didn’t turn in homework. In addition to this, I have an extremely independent 16-year-old who now drives herself everywhere (hallelujah!), an anxious, clingy eight-year-old and two kids in-between. So I’m trying to transition to a new normal for us and trying very hard to not get sucked back into the busy competition of our culture. Since I’ve made these changes, I know friends’ words about how much busier they are than me have brought me to tears at least twice.
Tracy, have you ever heard the acronym for BUSY? Being Under Satan’s Yoke…:) He likes to keep us so busy so we’ll be distracted. :)
I think it’s a competition sometimes and it’s an unhealthy one at that…
I’m re-posting this on my blog tomorrow but you might want to read this…
Thankful you are here, Tracy. Thank you for being real and sharing your heart. <3
I mentioned in the last study that I’m reading through the Bible in 90 days. But I’m struggling lately. I feel so distracted for some reason. And as I read this post, I’m thinking that I haven’t used all of my hours wisely. That’s going to have to change. :) I’m really excited about this study! I started reading this book right after it came out, but I think I only made it to chapter 4 when my schedule was overwhelmed and something had to give. I feel like this is something that God has been paving the way to work on me. I’m ready for it! :)
Well, these three chapters had me yearning for two things: more time with God, and to read more chapters :) Being a mom who home schools two teens has me more mentally exhausted than physically. Sometimes the pressure gets the better of me and sometimes there is just so much to accomplish I just can’t prioritize. On top of that are my tasks that need to be done at home (which are never ending as you all know). Sometimes I do feel resentful that we chose to home school because it is a full time job, but at the same time I love having my kids with me daily and I love pouring into them and nourishing their hearts. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I just need to give up some of the other things that are tugging at me for my time. Everything always feels better, flows better when I put God first. Reading this week made me realize that God does not just have a big calling for my life, but He has daily things that He puts on my heart. If I am too busy and if my mind is too full I cannot hear Him. Also, if I pack my schedule so much I will not have time to tend to the things God calls me to do randomly from day to day. What we nurture will grow……there will be many obstacles and distractions thrown at us daily (the enemy will see to that) so we have to be purposeful in spending time with Him. He desires us, and loves spending time with us. Life makes more sense when there is more worship and more intentional time with God. I have already said “no” to some small things that would have created exhaustion for me. It felt good! A healthy mama who is balanced in her mind/body/spirit is always better for her family. Business steals the joy that God wants us to receive. “Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul” (p 32)…..
Ok, so that is my comment but for some reason it posted under a new blog that I cam creating which is not functional yet. Oops :) I will post it again below with my name :) Feel free to erase this one :)
Three words that describe how I feel about my current schedule RIGHT NOW (not to be confused with how I may feel about in 30 minutes from now) are stretched, contemplative and hopeful.
There is a passage in this weeks reading that really stood out and stuck me, it was….”I asked the God of the universe to intersect my life with His revelation, then got up from my prayers and forgot to look. Forgot to seek him. Forgot to keep my hear in tune with His voice and His invitation”…….the best part….”All because of the chaotic rush of my day”.
I often awake in the morning whispering to the Lord, sweet requests for guidance and motivation and to hear his voice….and then I roll out of bed and as my feet it the floor it often feels like I am running a marathon that doesn’t end until the moment I find myself back in my bed at the end of the day once again whispering those same prayers.
Well, these three chapters had me yearning for two things: more time with God, and to read more chapters :) Being a mom who home schools two teens has me more mentally exhausted than physically. Sometimes the pressure gets the better of me and sometimes there is just so much to accomplish I just can’t prioritize. On top of that are my tasks that need to be done at home (which are never ending as you all know). Sometimes I do feel resentful that we chose to home school because it is a full time job, but at the same time I love having my kids with me daily and I love pouring into them and nourishing their hearts. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I just need to give up some of the other things that are tugging at me for my time. Everything always feels better, flows better when I put God first. Reading this week made me realize that God does not just have a big calling for my life, but He has daily things that He puts on my heart. If I am too busy and if my mind is too full I cannot hear Him. Also, if I pack my schedule so much I will not have time to tend to the things God calls me to do randomly from day to day. What we nurture will grow……there will be many obstacles and distractions thrown at us daily (the enemy will see to that) so we have to be purposeful in spending time with Him. He desires us, and loves spending time with us. Life makes more sense when there is more worship and more intentional time with God. I have already said “no” to some small things that would have created exhaustion for me. It felt good! A healthy mama who is balanced in her mind/body/spirit is always better for her family. Business steals the joy that God wants us to receive. “Never is a woman so fulfilled as when she chooses to underwhelm her schedule so she can let God overwhelm her soul” (p 32)…..
3. stressed, insufficient, unfulfilled
Allison as I say my prayers this evening, I will be praying that tomorrow you awake feeling prepared, enough, and filled with HIS spirit. May you see yourself through his eyes with HIS vision for you.
My current schedule leaves me very exhausted by the end of the day. Something always seems to come up, adding something to the schedule at the end of the day. Truck needing repair, for the second week in a row, kids needing a snack for school, adding on to the tasks I need to complete daily. We spend a lot of time on the road daily to go to work and school. Spring ball is starting soon. All the things that cover the schedule and consume me, need to be reconsidered and evaluated.
My current schedule leaves me exhausted and defeated. I have so many demands pulling me in so many directions that either I miss something during the day, or I rebel and just sit down when I should be doing something. I long for the energy and focus to get a large amount accomplished by the end of the day, but neither ever seem to come.
Is there anything that stood out to you in this week’s readings?
They (acts of obedience) were missed because I was busy-caught in the rush of endless demands. And the rush made us rebellious.
The one who obeys God!s instructions for today will develop a keen awareness of His direction tomorrow.
That little act of obedience unplugged my spiritual ears.
We must not seek His direction BEFORE obeying His instruction.
The theme that stood out to me was one of obedience. If I want God’s direction I must first obey Him.