Gosh, I know. It’s been quiet around here lately because, really . . . I just feel like God has been telling me to be still and be quiet.

In this loud world of social media, being still and quiet isn’t always valued.  In fact, I once thought those who remained quiet were boring. Lacked pizazz. Bumps on a log. Clearly, I lacked wisdom and didn’t understand much about people.

But maybe God calls us to be quiet because He wants us to think. Spend time with Him. Pray. Focus on our family. Rest.

As I scroll through my own social media feeds, I read opinions about Bruce/Caitlyn. Josh Duggar. The current president. Whoever will be the next president. And is the dress white and gold or blue and black?

Social media has allowed us to air our thoughts to the masses at the click of a button. But sometimes I have to wonder if we should.

Maybe God wants more of our hearts so He can teach us to be like His Son and less of our opinions that aren’t always formed from the best of places.

Instead of telling the world what we think, maybe we need to hear what God thinks – and He might want it to be a private conversation.

Not everything needs to be shared.

And yes, sometimes we do need to speak-up – that, too, is between God and you. This is not a judgment against those weighing-in on hot topics because maybe they feel called to be the voice right now. There’s nothing wrong with healthy discussion because that’s how we learn and grow.

But as for me, I feel called to be quiet. Rest. Read my Bible. Laugh with my kids who are growing up so fast it makes me physically ill. There are only eight summers left before my oldest leaves the nest. Seriously.

Thanks for understanding, friends. It will be spotty around here until August. As John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”

I’m not making other plans this summer because if I do, I’ll miss out on this,

Silly JJ and Sarah

And this,

Sarah and Spencer

And this,

Sarah - here for the cake

And this.

snuggling dogs

But here’s something fun . . . I am being interviewed tonight at 9 p.m. EST on the Women’s Bible Cafe Facebook page. Heart Sisters: Be the Friend You Want to Have is the tradebook selection for this month and I’m super honored. I would love to see you there! Click here to join.

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