When Moms Pray Square

Today, we’re welcoming my dear friend, Erin Bishop, to the blog!

Erin Bishop is the founder and president of the Whatever Girls Ministry. The Whatever Girls mission is “intentional moms and intentional daughters”. They strive to empower teen girls to choose God’s best for their lives by exemplifying the pillars of Philippians 4:8. Erin lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and their two children.

So glad to have you today, my friend! Take it away, girl . . .

The world seems to be getting darker with each new generation. Kids are engaging in reckless behaviors and are becoming entangled in the enemy’s snares at an alarming rate.

None of our daughters are immune to peer pressure and temptations.

It can be daunting.

As a result, mothers can feel hopeless and weary. Exactly where the enemy wants them.

I know what hopeless and weary feel like.

I know what not wanting to pray feels like, too.

 But a mother plagued by hopelessness and weariness is a distracted and ineffective warrior.

When we keep our eyes on God, not the storm, we have hope.

And hope is the birthplace of victory.

How do we get there?

On our knees.

You see, a mother’s most effective battle position is on her knees before the throne room of King Jesus.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:29-31)

Last summer, when the ALS Ice Bucket Challenges were all over social media I found myself wondering:

What if moms prayed for their daughters? Not just the quick ‘help her_________, Lord’ type of prayers, or the afterthought prayers I feel so guilty about praying, but really prayed? If all these people are willing to throw ice water on themselves to raise awareness for a horrible disease, surely there must be some moms out there who would be up for a prayer challenge.”

And I was right. Hundreds of moms from around the world joined us and prayed for their daughters every day of the school year.

As I was organizing the prayer challenge last year, I came across a verse in Paul’s letter to the Romans (1:8) that I could not stop thinking about. I still can’t.

“…your faith is being reported all over the world.” There is such significance in these nine words.

This letter is said to have been written around A.D. 57, and was likely transported by ship to Rome by someone Paul knew. This was long before mail, phones, email, YouTube, texting, Twitter and Facebook.

Yet, he wrote:

“…your faith is being reported all-over-the-world.

I just took a quick writing break to comment on a friend’s video that she took today in Israel and posted on Facebook. She replied to my comment within minutes – from Washington State to Israel and back. It’s astounding how much communication methods have transformed since Paul wrote to the Romans.

An Invitation:

“Whatever ground is gained for Christianity in one generation can be totally lost in the next if the former generation fails to impart passion for the things of God to their children. So parenthood is a great blessing-not only to us but to God as well-because through our children the hope of God’s people taking dominion and advancing His kingdom in the earth can live on, growing with each generation. “ Mike Shreve

Will you join me, and hundreds of moms across the world in praying over and activating God’s promises for our daughters? May news of our faith and intentional prayers for our daughters be reported all over the world.

“Once promises are known, believers do not need to beg God to do those things He has already pledged to do.” – Mike Shreve

This year’s prayer challenge will be launched on September 1 and go through June 17.

 How it Works:

We make it easy to participate by providing you with daily, guided prayers for the duration of the prayer challenge. You can sign up to receive the daily prayer challenges emailed to you, by clicking “HERE”, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest to view these prayers daily. You can also join our private prayer group community where you will receive encouragement and prayer.

Will You Share and Invite?

Please invite all the moms of daughters you know to join us in this sacred place. Let’s pray that the words Paul wrote to the Romans will be used to describe our prayer movement. The our faith would be heard of all over the world, and that Jesus’s name would be glorified for generations to come.

Recommended Resource:

 65 Promises from God for Your Child: Powerful Prayers for Supernatural Results by Mike Shreve

From Natalie:

I’m absolutely joining this movement, friends! I would love to have you join me – we cannot afford to NOT pray for our daughters.

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