Becoming Heart Sisters: A Bible Study on Authentic Friendships

Becoming Heart Sisters: A Bible Study on Authentic Friendships

$15.99eBook: $9.99
Author: Natalie Chambers Snapp
Genre: Bible Studies
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication Year: 2017
ISBN: 9781501821202

Study participants will find deep study of Scripture's principles for God-honoring friendships; help for navigating conflict, setting boundaries, and learning to forgive; in-depth study of Scripture with testimonies and stories that "ring true," the do's and don'ts of authentic friendships; and Bible-based guidance for building stronger and deeper relationships.

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About the Book

Friendships with other women are as important to our mental, physical, and spiritual health as rest, exercise, and prayer. In fact, Harvard University’s popular Nurses’ Health Study found that women without female friendships pose the same risk to their health as smoking and overeating. We don’t just want friends—we need friends.

God created us for relationship. Yet despite being more connected than ever before, we struggle to feel connected. From the false intimacy of social media to busyness and relational conflict, there are many challenges to developing authentic relationships.

If you’ve ever been hurt by a friend, struggled to balance friendship with everyday life, seen a friendship end too early, or longed for deeper and more authentic friendships, this Bible study is for you. As Natalie leads you in a deep exploration of timeless truths in the Old and New Testaments, you will learn how to develop and nurture the kind of enriching and satisfying friendships that build up the body of Christ and bring honor to God. Personal testimonies and stories of successes and failures add a level of authenticity that is refreshing and insightful. As you learn to cultivate God-honoring relationships, you will become more like Christ and demonstrate His love to a broken world.

Study participants will find deep study of Scripture’s principles for God-honoring friendships; help for navigating conflict, setting boundaries, and learning to forgive; in-depth study of Scripture with testimonies and stories that “ring true,” the do’s and don’ts of authentic friendships; and Bible-based guidance for building stronger and deeper relationships.

Available components for the six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, Leader Guide, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions (with closed captioning), and boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component.

“Becoming Heart Sisters is a beautiful reminder of how powerful walking hand in hand with a loyal friend can be. After completing this study, you will be better equipped to be this kind of God-honoring friend. Thank you, Natalie, for the charge to sacrificially love and serve our friends.”
Natalie Chambers Snapp

Natalie Chambers Snapp is first and foremost a follower of Jesus, then wife to Jason, and mom to one spunky daughter and two spirited sons with a crazy amount of energy. Choosing to follow Jesus at 27, Natalie is passionate about sharing the grace, mercy, and truth of God’s love. She lives in the Midwest with her crew and tries to keep it simple by writing about the faith found in the everyday mundane. The outpourings of her heart can be found at in the fleeting moments between being a wife and mother. She is also a contributing writer for The Mothers of Boys Society, the Whatever Girls Ministry and Group Publishing.

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