Ghana: The Amazing Race (Day 7 Cont’d)

Continued from this post… We arrived safely at the Accra airport to find absolute bedlam. Tanga was ten minutes behind us so we waited by the arriving traffic.  It continued to rain.  We borrowed a cell phone, which is quite common in Ghana, and eventually found...

Ghana: Day Seven – To Rest In His Shadow

There is still so much more I want to share about our experience in Cape Coast but until my dear friend brings her boys home, I am not entirely comfortable baring it all just yet. When those two little guys are in the U.S. and official papers are signed, THEN we will...

Ghana: Day Six – A Mama in Cape Coast

My sweet friend traveling with us had been waiting to meet the two little boys that would soon become her sons for six days. Various court document snafu’s prevented their travel to us as was planned and by Thursday, a mere two days before we were due to head...

Ghana: Fill My Hunger, Quench My Thirst

Because isn’t this just what really matters anyway? Car in hand, perhaps his first real possession, something to finally call his own. He peers out at what is known as “The Slave Castle” in Cape Coast, Ghana, a place in which slaves were held in the...

Ghana: Who Does God Love More?

The day we traveled to Chorker was a long one and I was starving.  Poor me. Though exhausted and needing to eat and tired and at the point of being unable to handle much more devastation in this one day, I am so very grateful to the time we spent in this little...

On Wonder and Goats

The end of the week – a good time for few words. Want to take five minutes with me and see which ones bubble to the surface? Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not. Here’s how we do it: 1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing or tweaking. 2. Link...

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