Eliminate Hurry

I’ve noticed that when I take the time to breathe, to really see the beauty before me, the evidence of His existence is everywhere. With more margin and less hurry (though friends, let’s not kid ourselves – there are still days), I’m finding...

Removing The “Have To”…

Apparently, this was the best Easter photo we could muster.  We tried. It’s amazing how much I have been looking forward to getting back to this place now that I don’t view it as a job. Suddenly, I began to feel like I HAD to write and not that I WANTED to...

For When You Feel Trapped

Every now and then, I’m faced with serpents that creep in and try to derail what I’m committed to doing. Like being in a healthy marriage and raising children to love God.  Those two things are the top two the serpents hate the most. So when I have an...

Lessons From A Live Nativity

We walk hand-in-hand, the five of us, unsure of what we were getting into and trying to stay warm in the midwestern winter air. The down coats were zipped and the mittens tucked under sleeves.  The hats covered ears and thick clothes lined underneath. We could drive...

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