by Natalie Snapp | Dec 3, 2013 | Just For Fun, Random Stuff
I married a hunter. This city girl was about to move to Chicago when I met the man of my dreams a mere three days before an interview for the job of my dreams. I was offered the job. I turned it down. Many thought I was a fool but I just knew . . . This one was...
by Natalie Snapp | Sep 19, 2013 | Just For Fun
I am bone-dead tired. I know you know how this feels, sisters. I think we might all be rowing the same boat down the same stream. I had planned to write about a really deep thought I had on my walk the other day but my brain has gone on strike. I just can’t do...
by Natalie Snapp | Sep 6, 2013 | birthdays, Just For Fun, Life Lessons
(Please note: Wrinkle Reducer and Tooth Whitener feature utilized) I’m not really sure how it all happened, this turning 40 thing. Last I checked, I was around 22 or so. Details. But according to the math, I should be turning 40 years old today. And yet, I still...
by Natalie Snapp | Sep 5, 2013 | Just For Fun
This morning, I walked into my boys’ room at 7 a.m. to get them roused for school only to find Spencer, who is usually fast asleep, lying with eyes wide open. At the sight of my face peeking through the open door, he sat bolt upright wearing a concerned...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 28, 2013 | Just For Fun, Parenting
There we stood, in front of the fancy juicer Husband had purchased not too long ago in an attempt to make us healthier. The spinach was waiting, along with the carrots and Granny Smith apples, to be pulverized into a green concoction of guaranteed energy. The youngest...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 14, 2013 | Just For Fun, Parenting
Sarah has been very interested in The Care and Keeping of You book by American Girl as of late. I purchased it earlier this summer with the hopes it might motivate a certain child in my home to brush her hair now and then. Oh, have I ever gotten what I bargained for...