by Natalie Snapp | Aug 23, 2010 | Going Vertical, Multitude Mondays, Sawyer, Solomon, Susannah
We have this crazy spider who will simply just not give up. He is SO not going down anytime soon. I realize that if I am writing about spiders and even going so far as to post photos of them, it could mean that this little blog here is going down the tubes and...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 18, 2010 | Sawyer, Solomon, Susannah, Word Filled Wednesday
Today was “Candy Day” at the store. I say “no” to the request of the strategically-placed and enticingly packaged Skittles and M&M’s almost always. But not today. And the crowd went wild. Should you have been shopping at the same...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 17, 2010 | Going Vertical, Kids and Dogs, Dogs and Kids, Sawyer, Solomon, Susannah
I’m joining in with Emily from “Chatting at the Sky” today for Tuesdays Unwrapped…The idea is to simply stop and find joy in even the smallest of moments and since I am trying to focus on a gratitude-filled heart, I thought it sounded like it...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 16, 2010 | Multitude Mondays, Sawyer
My sweet potty-trained, non-paci using boy… And just so you know, I said I would never allow my children to wear clothing that featured licensed characters. Clearly, as you can see, I have eased up in that area a bit. Chalk that up to another “I will...
by Natalie Snapp | Aug 11, 2010 | Going Vertical, Sawyer, Solomon, Susannah, Word Filled Wednesday
Not long ago, as we were preparing to take a trip to Wisconsin for a family wedding, one of the items on my “to do” list was to wash the family truckster. For reasons that remain unclear to me, I prefer to embark on road trips with a clean, vacuumed,...
by Natalie Snapp | Jul 28, 2010 | Going Vertical, Random Stuff, Sawyer, Solomon, Susannah, Word Filled Wednesday
Sing the title of this post to the ’80’s tune “Ghostbusters” – remember “I aint ‘fraid of no ghost”? Again, I’m a grammar/english nerd. It pains me to write it and yet it’s what’s going through my mind...