Dear Sarah,

*  Yes, I realize I’m using her real name. I want to bind these letters together someday and am too lazy to have to go back and change them all..Most of you know her “real” name anyway… There’s so much you aren’t told when you are...

On Sugar and Cigarettes

There are some big ears in my home these days. During our Sunday afternoon tea-party, Susannah and I read the story of Jacob and how he was deceived by Laban and tricked into marrying the homely-yet-wise Leah instead of Rachel, his true love. Susannah understandably...

A Conversation with God

The overwhelming feeling of heaviness washes over me. I stare at the cross. I feel conflicted – am I doing what you have called me to do or am I just doing stuff to be doing stuff? Am I serving you or am I serving myself? Are you calling me out or calling me in?...

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