A Joyful Noise Indeed…

On my worst days, when I’m sleep-deprived with no coffee and overwhelmed by tasks that mock, its power is the antidote needed to release me from the grips of a goal-oriented trance and breathe. The laughter of my children. No one can stay tightly-wound with the...

When We Can’t Unsee The Seen

It’s true that I am often a little restless, feeling like there might be more to this faith thing than just communing with Him and going to church and Bible studies. The higher up and deeper in I walk, the more He shows that to whom much has been given, much is...

Hidden Treasures

And yet again, another Good Friday in which it is raining and overbearingly gray.  It seems this is the tradition each year, for God to shed His tears on a day that is so solemn, so heavy on the shoulders, as I attempt to fathom what He did for us over 2,000 years...

A Ransom For Many

A ransom. Admittedly, when I think of ransom money, I think of the Lindbergh Baby and other high-profile kidnappings that have told vivid stories of large sums of money in exchange for a wealthy, kidnapped child. I haven’t thought much about how Jesus paid a...

Taste and See

I woke up yesterday morning with the words “taste and see” reverberating through my restless mind from Jeremy Camp’s song “Healing Hands of God.” Taste and see. “Taste and see what?” I asked Him as I hurriedly dressed in an...

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