When We Awaken…

Five minutes?  I can handle that as my youngest naps and my middleman plays Mario Cart reads quietly by my side. Joining with Lisa Jo from The Gypsy Mama for her awesome meme “Five Minute Friday”.  The rules are that we don’t worry so much about...

Ghana: The Amazing Race (Day 7 Cont’d)

Continued from this post… We arrived safely at the Accra airport to find absolute bedlam. Tanga was ten minutes behind us so we waited by the arriving traffic.  It continued to rain.  We borrowed a cell phone, which is quite common in Ghana, and eventually found...

Ghana: Day Seven – To Rest In His Shadow

There is still so much more I want to share about our experience in Cape Coast but until my dear friend brings her boys home, I am not entirely comfortable baring it all just yet. When those two little guys are in the U.S. and official papers are signed, THEN we will...

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