by Natalie Snapp | Jul 25, 2017 | Devotionals
The Snapp family has been doing a whole lot of praying these days. Someone very dear to us is in a crazy-intense battle against a cancer so fierce it depletes him of all energy, appetite, and at times, memory. It’s a horrible, insidious disease I wouldn’t...
by Natalie Snapp | Feb 15, 2017 | Random Stuff
So my fifth child is about to be born. The labor pains are intense. She’s coming next Tuesday – that’s February 21. She’s my second book baby. Her older sister, Heart Sisters: Be the Friend You Want to Have, came into this world almost two...
by Natalie Snapp | Dec 14, 2015 | Devotionals
I know, I know. It’s been complete crickets over here and I’m sorry. I know you all aren’t wailing and gnashing your teeth because of the absence of my voice from this very small pocket of the internet but I do want to update you all as to why...
by Natalie Snapp | Sep 21, 2015 | Devotionals
Last week, I continued to read about the life of David in my very favorite chronological Bible. I’ve studied David’s life in the past and I feel like I have a pretty good grip on who he was – yet every time I read about him, I’m struck by small...
by Natalie Snapp | Sep 3, 2015 | Heart Sisters
There are just so many reasons why we want you to join us for the Heart Sisters Online Book Study. Let me just share a few: 1. I like you. No, maybe we haven’t met in real life but I already feel like we know each other. I’m guessing you’re a...