Grace For Those Who Criticize

  Since we’re talking about critics this week . . . It’s really hard to know how to handle them sometimes, isn’t it? If you’re like me, your initial instinct is to fling back with fiery arrows – but when you do, you usually end-up...
Announcing The Birth Of Heart Sisters!

Announcing The Birth Of Heart Sisters!

She was born in the early hours of the morning via a very-scheduled C-section . . . Here she is . . . Isn’t she beautiful?   She weighs 7.2 ounces and is 8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches. She was born amidst much blood, sweat and tears. What did I learn while...

Being Fake vs. Having Grace

One of my dear friends and I were walking last week and as we navigated through sun-soaked leaves and nature trails, she shared a recent difficult moment in which she, ahem,  caught someone talking not-so-nicely about her. In front of a lot of people. Oops. The person...

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