by Natalie Snapp | Jun 17, 2011 | Ghana
Joining in with Lisa Jo from The Gypsy Mama for Five Minute Fridays…Here are the rules… This is the time of the week when we steal those five minutes while the kids are fingerpainting the dining room table, the neighbor’s dog has stopped barking, or the...
by Natalie Snapp | May 2, 2011 | Multitude Mondays, Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood
To purchase 31 Days To Clean, click here Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted a career as a teacher and school administrator. For a while. But what she really, truly wanted, what her heart desired above all, was to be a wife and a mother. Hard-driving...
by Natalie Snapp | Oct 5, 2010 | Exemplify
I am continually blessed to have opportunities to write for the best Christian women’s online magazine – Exemplify. Since you all know what a Martha Stewart I am (no hint of sarcasm here – I promise) , I was asked to write on “decorating on a...