When The World Makes You Scared

When The World Makes You Scared

Oh, friends . . . My head hurts.   Since I last wrote, we’ve closed on the home where two of my three babies have lived since birth, moved into an apartment where we will remain for six months (with three kids and two big dogs!) and started summer with camps,...
When You Need To Remember How Far You’ve Come

When You Need To Remember How Far You’ve Come

A few days ago while I was drying my hair (because this is one of the few times no one will seek me out and ask me for snacks or if they can purchase a new app), I was contemplating a few ways I had recently been falling short. Ways I had been missing the mark. Sneaky...

A Revolution of Hope and Love

She timidly walked into the room, unsure yet confident. Scared but brave. She was beautiful. Young, but in a way that’s young now to my 41 years. She said she was 26. Her skin was the color of tupelo honey; her eyes dark as night. But behind those eyes, I saw...

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