by Natalie Snapp | Sep 19, 2013 | Just For Fun
I am bone-dead tired. I know you know how this feels, sisters. I think we might all be rowing the same boat down the same stream. I had planned to write about a really deep thought I had on my walk the other day but my brain has gone on strike. I just can’t do...
by Natalie Snapp | May 24, 2013 | Random Stuff
I’m a week out from my deadline with Abingdon. I’m feeling a peace and a calm I wasn’t expecting, but still. I have been a little absent around here this week (and very likely will be spotty next week, too) But I’m missing you. Lisa-Jo’s...
by Natalie Snapp | Mar 19, 2013 | Favorite Posts, Parenting, Random Opinions
Now and then I feel the nudge to air my opinions and I do all I can to bargain with God and see if I can get out of it. “Oh, I must be needing to just vent a bit but of course, my blog is no place for that,” I justify, thanking my lucky stars I came up...
by Natalie Snapp | Feb 5, 2013 | Parenting
I failed to realize my post was to go live at The M.O.B. Society this past Saturday . . . Oops. Would love to have you head that way today and read about how those children of ours know how to work us sometimes . . . Even if you don’t have boys, you’ll...