When We Awaken…

Five minutes?  I can handle that as my youngest naps and my middleman plays Mario Cart reads quietly by my side. Joining with Lisa Jo from The Gypsy Mama for her awesome meme “Five Minute Friday”.  The rules are that we don’t worry so much about...

When He Solves for X…

Geometry kicked my heiny to the curb when I was in high school.  I remember rejoicing with my mother when my semester grade was a C-.  And that was with a tutor. But algebra…Oh, how I love me some algebra. To solve those equations and have the satisfaction of...

Trust In Me

Uber-talented Christy from Critty Joy, one of our Soli Deo Gloria sisters, created this.  She has many others.  Click here to see… I had been wrestling again. Like Jacob, I had some issues I needed to trestle through with God and I longed for time alone so we...

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