When We Get Confused About Healing

When We Get Confused About Healing

The Snapp family has been doing a whole lot of praying these days. Someone very dear to us is in a crazy-intense battle against a cancer so fierce it depletes him of all energy, appetite, and at times, memory. It’s a horrible, insidious disease I wouldn’t...

Why We All Need Village Mentality

“I hope you don’t mind but I just full-on corrected our kids in the pool today,” my dear friend shared as we stretched ourselves on lounge chairs on that bright, summer day. Undeterred, the kids splashed happily as though it had never happened....

Why Fear Has No Place At Your Table (A Video)

So time is so very scarce these days because I’m in the throes of writing again – and writing seasons are blessed seasons but writing seasons are crazy seasons. The end. I’m scoping more with Periscope and will be doing these quick snippets because...

Responding To Our Critics

Last week, I continued to read about the life of David in my very favorite chronological Bible. I’ve studied David’s life in the past and I feel like I have a pretty good grip on who he was – yet every time I read about him, I’m struck by small...

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