When You Lose The Joy Of Your Passion

When You Lose The Joy Of Your Passion

About a month ago, my oldest son, Samuel, wrapped-up a not-so-stellar baseball season. I think he did just fine. For the love – he’s ten. But he thinks he did terribly and isn’t so sure he wants to play again. Now listen . . . I am not the parent...
For When You’ve Got Nothing

For When You’ve Got Nothing

This past Sunday evening, the hubs and I landed on Indiana soil at 6:45 p.m. to find it a balmy 22 degrees. Snow. Of course, snow. There’s been record amounts of it in the Midwest this winter. In fact, as I write, they just canceled school YET AGAIN for...

Ten Tips for New Bloggers (Part Two)

Yesterday we talked about the first five tips I would offer to a new blogger.  This two-part series also pertains to those even thinking about starting a blog, those who ever want to write for publication, and those who feel called to speak. We left off with...

Top 10 Tips for New Bloggers (Part One)

So by no means am I am expert in blogging or an expert writer for that matter. There are so many layers to both that I won’t quit learning until I die. But lately it seems like I’ve had some questions from various newbie bloggers wanting to know stuff I...

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