“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

– Matthew 14:28-29

What is it about our nature, our fleshy, imperfect, human entrapment that so wants to be pursued?  To be invited?  Included?  Just simply asked?

We want to know we matter.  That someone else wants us. That we are seen and not just taking up space.

In a boat, amidst the menacing waves of a storm, Peter and the other disciples look to see Jesus walking towards them – on the water.

Admittedly, not something we see every day but…God.

The same man who would eventually deny him three times displayed his incredulity even back then.  He felt the need to test and Jesus responded with one word.


Come to me all you who are weary. Come all you who are thirsty. Come and you will see. Come, follow me.


The pursuit of us is a constant, an invitation so open that a guest list doesn’t even exist because every name is on it.

He wants us.  Passionately.

And once we realize we are invited and we R.S.V.P with a “yes”, we begin to have the courage to get out of the boat.

It’s the ultimate open invitation.

Of course, I’ve got all my sisters and me today with Jen at Finding Heaven for Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood…

Baffled by how to do chores with your little people?  Marci at Overcoming Busy is hosting a “chore link-up” today – head on over for some good ideas!

Want a wonderful idea of how to teach children to blend colors (make new ones from the primaries, etc.)?  AND…Did you know Crayola makes Color Bath Dropz that color your child’s bath water?  Seriously.  My kids would be in hog-heaven.  Head on over to visit Cheryl at Somewhat Crunchy Mama to check this out!

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