I ripped his pants. Not intentionally – heavens no. But I did rip his best gray pants.
For two days, I had made several missteps in my marriage – I angered easily, I became frustrated over small things that weren’t even normally an issue and I possessed an unbecoming spirit of ingratitude.
The morning after an emotional disagreement, to which I felt convicted that my behavior had caused much of the recent distance in our marriage, I decided it was time for a change of heart. I had been selfish, irrational, and again, fell victim to the evil beast of ungratefulness. It was time for a “readjustment” and I focused on doing “small things” that would communicate my intense love and respect I have for the man who has walked alongside this life with me for the past nine years.
Spotting the grey heap of material on the floor of our bathroom, I excitedly picked up my husband’s pants to take to the dry cleaners – along with a load of laundry I would throw in the washer before I left. “This is a small thing I could do to show him how much he is appreciated,” I thought to myself, gloating a bit at my thoughtfulness. Clutching the laundry and the gray pants, I realized a sock had fallen to the floor and I bent down to pick it up.
That’s when his pants caught on the doorknob and ripped straight down the leg – an irreparable damage.
My mistakes lately had been aplenty. My heart sunk as I realized this “act of the heart” had quickly become another one of those missteps that had been far too common for me as of late.
To read the rest of the story, click here – I’m guesting at Rediscovering Domesticity. I’m also joining in with those sweet Soli Deo Gloria Sisters with Jen at Finding Heaven…
Beautifully written, great story, and great lesson. I think we have all been there as wives. I know I have. Thanks for making me feel that hey we make mistakes and we are not alone.
Don’t we all have ‘moment’ like this? God’s grace and mercy always seems to shine during these times. Sometimes, it takes an intentional effort doesn’t it?
Beautiful story and lesson. Grace to cover the imperfections, yeah that’s the glue. Thanks for sharing so honestly.
Natalie- Thanks for sharing this story. It touched my heart, as I’m sure it has many readers.
Thanks for reading and commenting, my sweet friend Jen!
At first, I thought the story wasn’t going to continue and you were bereft about the pants. So glad that I saw the link and finished it out. :)
Somehow it always comes as such a shocker when I am grace-less and someone still extends me grace. I mean, heaps it on me. And I realize what is happening and I am simply motivated again to love.
I checked your post so early that the link at RD was not up yet…so I had to wait to hear the end of the story til I got home this afternoon…and it was SO worth it….SNIFF SNIFF…there I go again…dripping tears on my computer!
Thanks, dear one. I didn’t mean to make you cry but well…of course this topics hits us all hard, right?
Loved this Natalie! Many times Corey does the same thing…gives me grace when I have not been so “giving” to him. It is such a huge blessing and such a reminder of how we are to love. Thank you for reminding me again with this post. BTW…tell Jas I have never seen such a pathetically sad look on his face as the one in the picture above. It made me totally crack up…out loud! LOVE IT!
I know – I made his pose and this is the “sad face” he came up with! I think he could do magazine work…
Thanks for reading and commenting, “in real life” friend!
Admittedly, I am not a writer. But I recently felt led to write a couple of blogs. My first one was ‘Epic Failure…’ and the second was ‘Epic Love…’. I was born and raised in church, but this is not my first marriage. My past is a nightmare that re-visits me daily. But God sees me through… one day at a time. If you have a few moments and wouldn’t mind reading them, the links are below. Let me know if you have any problems with them. The first is about my feelings (fear) of being a failure. The second is about my husband and the amazing way he loves me. He is such a Godly example. For me, they both seem to parallel some of the thoughts that I see in this post of yours. Just maybe God has it all under control after all, huh?!?! LOL!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!