It had been three long days of much fun, excitement, giddiness, rides, characters, and brothers.  There were still four more to go.

While waiting in line for the “Tikki Birds”, for which no one shared the same excitement level with their mother because it was part of my own childhood Disney memory, I snapped a photo of this tired girl.

She just needed a break.  A little rest.  Some time to be restored.  A few hours in the pool just splashing around or laying in her bed watching the “Fox and the Hound”.

Jason and I are coming out of a torrential downpour of a conflict that rocked us to the core and forced us to examine every move we made through the lens of the Bible.

It was more than exhausting.  Our souls were thirsty and tired and it showed everywhere – in our marriage, the way we interacted with our children, how we spoke to others.  It was like a tumor with tentacles that were further reaching than we could ever have imagined when it all began.

It all took a toll and we needed a Sabbath.

And yes, I will be writing more about this but for right now, I’m praying over how to best convey this refiner’s fire of a path.

My word for this new year is “obedience” and there was no question last week that my Heavenly Father was calling me to rest.  To restore.  To “get back to the basics and get right with God.”  I sang Lucinda Williams’ song almost constantly (entitled “Get Right With God”).

I’m currently working through Beth Moore’s newly-revised study of David and in last week’s teaching DVD, she mentioned that she tried to find an etymological connection between the words “wrestle” and “rest”.  She couldn’t find one (to which she exclaimed it was such a missed opportunity!) but did say that following a period in which we wrestle, we must always rest.

Oh, have we wrestled but oh, did we rest.

For we know that He has a plan and it’s good (Jeremiah 29:11 with Romans 8:28) and even this dark period will be used for His glory.

Because that’s the way He rolls.

I’m linking up with “Word Filled Wednesday” from Internet Cafe Devotions and “Scriptures and a Snapshot” at Katie Lloyd Photography

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